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Walter T.
Walter T.

Upgrade to Evolotion 10?  en

Автор: Walter T.
Просмотрено 757, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: evolution,upgrade

I have Website X5 Compact 9. I am looking for a more feature rich sitebuilder. However, as I already have a domain hosting service which I have used for years and have no reason to change, I am concerned about the hosting specific limitations of using say Evolution as a development package with my current domain host. Again, I can think of no reason to change, so why are you building your advanced programs around your own domain hosting???

1 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

Evolution 10 is not built around any specific hosting company, that's just who's offered them a good deal for hosting, evolution 10 will work with any hosting service.

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