Efficient multilanguage support 
Автор: Jose M A.
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Hello everybody:
I am trying to design a website with online multilanguage support. I have try the welcome page system and it works fine, but I need something without welcome page. Something like this: http://www.arquitecturayconstruccion.es/ (I don't know how it is made that website).
I need to change on the go the language of the page I am watching.
The version I am running is WEBSITEX5 Evolution I would like to know wether I have more possiblities regarding this issue if I extended to Professional.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Website pro will not be neccessary to create this effect.
You need to translate your site to the other language, this will be a different project !
So copy your project, change name to something like: yourprojectname_english
then open the english project (I assume your original site is Spanish) translate everything from spanish to englisch. Update to you host in a different map like mywebsite_engl.
If this is done you need to make links in your banner on both projects, one with text english that one pointing to the englisch website. the other spanish pointing to the original website adress.
For another language its the same, you need to create for every language a different project / site.
Hello Andre :
Thank you for your reply.
My main project is spanish. I have created several projects for the other languages doing copies from the original one. And I have activated de multilanguage support.
But I see two problems:
* As I want a language change at the level of page, I will have to create links for all the languages but the one on the page for each page of the project for each language.
* As I want to save space on the server, I have to rename the name of all the page to avoid overwritting. E.g.: about.html, about_en.html, about_de.html, about_fr.html.
That's why I was looking for some ASP or PHP or something inseted in the header which could automatically make the language change. And some kind of feature of the program which didn't create one directory for each language (/en /fr, /de), because that multiplies per n the space used for images and other added document to the web.
Best regards ,
Jose Mª.
1: Yes you need to make all language links on the header of every project. To keep the site all the same I suggest too keep the link to the same lanquage as well, just point it to the start/home page of the same language. (then all the links will be the same on all projects, this looks more professional)
2: You don't need to change all html pagenames. Just leave them you will upload them in a different map on your webserver so no overwriting should be possible.
project english goes on your server to map yoursitename/en
project france goes to yoursitename/fr
that the name of the page inside the map 'fr' is the same as 'en' makes no difference and gives no problems.
usally webspace you buy or rent is sufficent ! But if you have massive websites and you will make 4 of them conssider asking for more webserver space.
If you want it to be automaticlyly there is also a google translater script, but thats not like your example (that is what you asked) and does not give the same professional look.
see http://code.google.com/p/multi-language-translation/
You don't need to set the lanquage introduction page if you don't want it.
If your not sure or don't want to make all the changes to your (big) site yet.
Create a test map on your server and make just some test projects with 2 pages and 2 languages just to see what does what and how it looks / works.
I have uploaded my website to http://www.apsyde.es
How is it?
Jose M.
The link options for language selection look good !
Now to fill the sites with there own laquages, also the menus of every project. Thats a lot of work but it will pay off!
Bare in mind if you change a link or a page you need to it for every lanquage / project.
But this is the idea indeed, and how your example site has made as well.
Glad it worked out !
Hello Andre :
Thank you for your comment.
But my current design of language support doesn't work like I want:
That's what I mean by Multilanguage change on the go. That is what the website http://www.arquitecturayconstruccion.es/ can do but not mine.
Best regards ,
I see what you mean, strange thing is if you change the language only the menu changes not the language of the website.
It's normal to start on the home page in the language you want, because normally you don't understand the page you are on, and so it makes no sense to start on that page after language change without visiting the home page. Because on the home page is the most info you want and need and you would like visiters to start from there.
I'm not sure if something like your example is possible. But to be honest it's not logical.
I shall check and see if I can figure something out ....
Well did a fast check, and it looks like I have found something you can use if you wish, but it takes some work...... You need to make all links by hand....
Go to the header of your project and add -using the slideshow object- for every page the amount of picture of the lanquage flag. (so if you have 5 pages in your menu you need to add 5 same pictures of the same language flag)
just a tip to make it later more easily you can change the name of every picture flag to the menu you will use them for. so if you have 2 menu's like main and contact you add the same flag picture but one with engflag_main and the other engflag_contact filename.
Set with the -effect button- for every language flag in the -tab Page- the desired menu.
so the engflag_main for the main menu option, and the engflag_contact for he contact page.
click on ok.
Now select in the small slideshow menu the engflag_main use the link button on top to set this picture to the direct link to the main menu of your english website (use file or URL and then internet file otion.
Do this also for the contact flag but then with a direct link to the english contact page.
This should be done by hand for every menu / language and every menu page. Again a lot of work and not normal behavior for language selection. But if you want it, it can be done this way.
See also this site for -in my humble opinion- normal language selection: http://www.calladeluxe.com/
Amazing ! Great work !! You really know this program.
I thought it was impossible to get this behavior. Sure it's not usual, but for groups of people in a multilanguage environment could help in big website with a lot of levels.
The only problem is that maintaining this structure is very time consuming.
Thank you.
No problem, glad to be of help
The tip helps in getting a change later on more easily, but yes for sure it's a lot of work....
Especially if you have more then 2 languages.
Goodluck. BR André