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E. Francis
E. Francis

Program Stops Responding  en

Автор: E. Francis
Просмотрено 2072, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hi everyone,

I currently have WebsitX5 Professional 10 version: installed on my Windows 8.1 (4gb ram) 64bit laptop.  Up until about three updates ago this program worked amazingly well.  I don't know what has happened.  With this being the only program I wish to open, after the initial click of the icon on my desktop the program opens fast to the first screen.  The second I click on "start" to get to my projects it constantly freezes and I get the "Not Responding" message at the top of the screen.  I open up task manager and of course it says "not responding".  This will go on for approximately a minute to a minute and one half before proceeding to my project pages.  Once there and after I choose my project (I have a few - all different) the program once again goes into "not responding" mode for approximately the same amount of time.  Once I finally get to my project i'm able to work until I wish to preview my page.  It again goes to "not responding" but in this area of the program the wait time is about 30 seconds.

I have tried all of the methods outlined by other users including netframe, but as you may or may not know, netframe CANNOT be uninstalled in Windows 8, 8.1 without affecting other system programs, etc., and it is not available in "program features" but is a side feature of "program features".

As mentioned above, this problem began about three updates ago.  I cannot continue to waste my clients and my precious time waiting on this program to load in and i'm very happy to go back three updates ago if you could provide me with a link to the earlier download.  Ideally, a permanent fix would be the solution to this problem.  Please do not let this problem be a reason to deter people from using this great program.

I'm looking forward to an answer as soon as you possible.

Thank you for your help...


6 Ответы
Claudio D.

Hello Eric,

The .NET Framework doesn't need to be uninstalled but only repaired on Windows 8 and you can follow these steps:

Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off
Clear the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and then click on OK. Clear also the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 and then click on OK.
After Windows disables the feature you will need to go back to re-enable Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and 4.5 and then click ok.

After this procedure the .NET Frameworks will continue to be present and all the other programs will be able to use them.

Can you also please check if you experience the same issue with a new project aside the loading?

Try also to see if there are other programs running in background which could use the ram and not allow WebSite X5 to load?

Please keep me updated.

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Размещено От Claudio D.
E. Francis
E. Francis

Thank you for responding.

I followed your directions but it's still not resolving my issue.  When I start the program it works fine until I get to the page where I have to click "start".  When I do that the programs stops responding for a couple of minutes to do whatever it is doing.  When it finally responds I am then able to create or open a current project.  From this point it works properly.  When I click on preview, it's a bit sluggish but it's ok.

I've taken a video of the process and you can see it here.

I would very much like to get this resolved.

Thanks again,


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Lorien K.
Lorien K.

I have X5 Evolution10 and the same thing happens to me in windows 7.  I noticed that it happens a lot if I am working on a site that is not actually online yet.  Especially if I try to use the preview window.  I solved my problem by initiating the nameservers to the hosting company first and then working on the project, but sounds as though you were doing well before, so hope you find the issue.

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Размещено От Lorien K.
E. Francis
E. Francis

Thanks Lorien K.  Once i'm in the program it's pretty much smooth sailing.  Like I said, it's at the initial starting of the program when I click on the "Start" button to get to my projects.  My issue started after about three updates ago.

Thanks for you input.


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Размещено От E. Francis
Lorien K.
Lorien K.

I just thought of another thing you might try, that I just posted on another thread. This might be worth checking out.  I had a problem with another software once, that kept crashing, or just wouldn't work.  After many attempts to fix it, I was fed up and just quit for a while.  Then I did something simple that fixed the probem.   What had happened, is that I had Norton Antivirus and it had been updating automatically.  I had not thought of it because I had not downloaded any other programs, except for the updates to the one that was giving me problems, but apparently Norton did an automatic update at around the same time as the other program, and during that update it changed my settings for the program, so the program kept crashing.  So all I did was change the settings back, and the program was working perfectly again.  This is what I did:  (you can check the firewall with any antivirus program, if you don't use Norton)

* Click on the Norton icon and go to the settings tab on the top left
* Click on the "Network" tab on the top
* Click on "Smart Firewall" on the lower left hand side
* Then click on "Progam Rules / configure" (line 2)
* Use the scrollbar on the right, or the down arrow in the scrollbar to scroll through the programs. There will be a line that says "Incomedia X5" and next to that, on the right, is a box that likely says "block" or "Auto"
Click the down arrow on this box and choose "allow"
* Then click "apply" and then "ok"
Exit out of Norton and load up Incomedia X5 and it should work fine now.

Just thought you could check this out to be sure your firewall is not the culprit.

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Размещено От Lorien K.
E. Francis
E. Francis

Thank you Lorien for your help.  I actually uninstalled my Antivirus and turned my Firewall off briefly to see if that was the problem.  It didn't do a thing.

I'm going to be purchasing another system and will be installing the program on it.  Once I do that I will let everyone know what the end result is.

Thanks everyone,


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Размещено От E. Francis