White screen and nothing more when open X5 evolution 
Автор: Алибаев Алибаев
Просмотрено 555,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
I can't use X5 evolution after reinstallation. There is a white screen and nothing more after executing WebSiteX5.exe file. Sometime executing are successful and program is work but more often is NOT work. Please help me. In order to resolve my problem please contact with my son. His name is Rinat and e-mail is ***.
P.S.: screenshot in attached file.
With many thanks, Aglyam Alibaev.
Добрый день Aglyam Alibaev.
Рекомендую удалить WebSite X5 Evolution 10 с вашего компьютера, скачать последнюю версию из личного кабинета, и установить программу заново используя данные первой регистрации.
Good afternoon Aglyam Alibaev.
I recommend to deleteWebSite X5 Evolution10from your computer, download the latest versionfrom the personal account, and install the programagainusing the data of thefirst registration.