Dynamic content retrieval for individual members 
Autor: Michael O.This is a comment form Paul (Moderator)
"What I was trying to convey was in regards to the specific case where a new user might register on the website, and then immediately afterwards expect to receive a username and password by automated reply, hoping for instant access to the protected pages. This does not happen in Website X5. Instead the website administrator must manually review all applicants for user registration, and issue passwords as in Step 4 - Advanced Settings - Access Management - Groups/Users
However, this could be made to happen if you incorporated custom PHP code in your project. This is because Website X5 can be made to write information from the registration form into a database (instead of sending to the website administrator via email). Once the new user details are in the database then all that would be required would be a script to query the newly updated database. If this was in place then the new user could gain almost instant access without the intervention of the website administrator."
I am creating a website for a client that will have hundreds of members. The Client will have access to all dynamic pages and all member files, but the individual member will have access to only their own page. All other members are invisible.
Can this now happen in Version 11 (I am a Beta tester)?
Thank you.
Hello Michael,
This option is present in the Professional Version 10 allowing to register automatically and after to login in the protected pages. It has also the option which allows you to review the registrations to approve them manually directly online in the control panel or to allow them to login immediatly after clicking on the activation link they received via email.
Many thanks!
Thank you Claudio.
I don´t understand fully though. Each individual member must have access to his account page only - which will be some text and a photo - but have no access to other members´ details. Is this possible through collection from a database and insertion into a field on a single page or must hundreds of separate pages be created?
Each member will have a personal password.
If I buy version 11 now, does it have the facility I require?
Hello Michael,
The function to register automatically is only present in the Professional Version and not in the Evolution but after the user created the account they will not have an individual page automatically.
You will need to create this page and select which user can access to which page and then upload it. Every page needs to be made manually and then linked to the correct user.
This cannot be done automatically.
Many thanks!