Different background picture 
Autor: Bjorn Andreassen
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Howcan Icreatewebsiteas shown in theattachedpicture, withWebSiteX5 Pro 11.
Iwantdifferentbackgroundimages thatcovers the entirewidth of the screen.Adifferentbackgroundimages foreachtextbox.
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Hi Bjorn,
Click on the text box you want to work in click the set cell style icon in the top left, then then click on the background field and change it to Image background, under the background field you will see an image background field import the image you want to use, then adjust the outer margin so the images merge together.
Thx but this is notwhat Ihad in mind.Iwant thebackgroundimage to cover theentire widthof the screenand not justthe text box.
Hi Bjorn
Ok, Click on template stlye in general settings, then clickon the page selection field select page background and you can import the image you wish to use. You can also adjust the alignment and posin of the image. Hope this helps.
Thanks again but look at my attachment i first post. I want a different background for each textbox.
Ok well the only way to do that is make your text box as wide as your screen this can be done by adjusting the width of the header which also increases the width of the page, this is also in the general settings. However keep in mind that on smaller devices such as tablets and mobile phones you wont be able to see the whole text box as it will be to big.
Hi Bjorn,
you can select a different Background for each page.
Go to step 2 Map creation then select the page you want to change, click the properties button on the right, then click the graphics tab and enable custom settings. You can then choose the background image for the page.
Dave Wilson
I know that. I want different background for content and width for the whole screen, not for whole page.
Hi Bjorn,
I'm sorry could you please show us an example of what you are trying to do?
Thank you,
it is the same thing I want to do. I tried lots of test but I think it isn't possible to change the background image for the entire site
Here is one example http://sputnikcreative.com/
Thank you for posting the example. This effect is called ''parallax'' and it is not possible to apply it automatically with WebSite X5 at the moment. You can achieve a similar result by adding a background image with several different colours or images in it or else, you can add html codes into your project.
I hope this helps,
Do you have an example for html code?
Hi Bjorn!
I'm sorry but I can not help with extra HTML codes.
I' sure that if you search for something like ''parallax effect html code'' in Google you will be able to find helpful instructions and tutorials.
Thank you,