Change of text not showing 
Autor: Juergen R.
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I updated my project to version 11 like you described.
When i now maka a change in the text, on most sites it does not appear in the preview and also not when in the published files.
Gepostet am
Please checkwhetherimportedformats aretherein the text orthe text coloristhe same as thebackground color.
Takea picture of thetext objectandthe preview (ev.Alsowith secondbrowser)andor givethe link to thewebsitepagefamiliar with theerror.
Why do you write this: Mit unserer Anleitung können Sie Ihre Projekte schnell und problemlos aktualisieren.
Made everything like you wrote in the manaul and now i still have to invest lots of time for converting my projects.
I am not a computer freak and do not unedrstand what you mean. Please explain step by step
Why no answer?
I bought Website X5 1 month ago and still can not use.
Or can you check my project files? When yes do you need thsi from version 10 or 11?
They do not havetime tocreate thewebsite.I do not havethe time to writenovelsthat nobody readsafterwards.
Maybesomeone elseresponds to them?