New version X5 blog problem 
Autor: Csori V.
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Please help me. Why after export a new version of erase pictures created yet older version? If I copy it from word to the blog text which is originally written in times new roman and give "paste special" program will automatically change to Tahoma, why?
Prosím o pomoc. Prečo mi po exporte nová verzia programu zmaže obrázky vytvorené staršou verziou? Ak ja nakopírujem z wordu text do blogu ktorý je pôvodne písaný times new roman a dám "prilepiť špeciálne" program ho automaticky zmení na tahoma, prečo?
Gepostet am
Strange, does normal paste also not work?
Paul made a small workaround here:
But it depends a bit on where you copy it from.
About what version are you talking about anyway ? I see that yoou have V8 and V9.
If you have a newer version please add the licence in your profile (top right button -> licences) here in Answers so we can help you better !
BR André
Version WebSite X5 Evolution 11
Hello Viktor,
Can you please write me the extact steps you do and from where you copy the text since it can depend from this.
Many thanks!
In the old version I had no such problem. The text is written in Microsoft Office Word 2007, Times New Roman font size 12, then Ctrl + A, Ctrl + C, and in the program itself - the blog that I give special paste. I noticed also that if convert a project from version 9, and then you open it in version 11 so I lost pictures:-(
V starej verzii som nemal takýto problém. Text je písaný vo Microsoft office word 2007 písmom Times New Roman veľkost 12, potom ctrl + a, ctrl + c, a do samotného programu - blogu to dávam prilepiť špeciálne. Všimol som si aj to že ak prekonvertujem projekt z verzie 9 a následne si to otvorím vo verzii 11 tak sa mi stratia obrázky :-(
Hello Viktor,
I tested in Version 11 bz using the paste special and it added the used font in word.
Try to select the text in word and then set the font and after this select it again and copy it. Then in Version 11 use the paste special button and it will work.
Many thanks!
Hello Claudio,
I first tried to change the font but it did not help. After exporting, I discovered another bug on the site appeared / n - attach a picture. Again, I opened a blog called the whole text again and I entered his times new roman, again I sent it to the server and then it was already ok. In the old version of this problem was. I wrote about the loss of image when converted into the new version ... you know me help with that?
Hello Claudio,
skúsil som najskôr zmeniť typ písma ale nepomohlo to. Po exporte sa mi objavila ďalšia chyba na stránke sa objavily /n - prikladám obrázok. Znova som otvoril blog, označil celý text a znova som mu zadal times new roman, znova som to poslal na server a potom to už bolo ok. V starej verzii programu takýto problém nebol. Písal som aj o strate obrázkou po prekonvertovaní na novú verziu... viete mi s tým pomôcť?
Hello Csori,
Did you select the whole text in word ans then set the font you want to have and once done selected again the text to copy it?
I tested this procedure and so it worked correctly since if you use the default font set by word this information is not included in the rft information and the program uses then the default font.
The text where /n appeared from where it has been taken?
Did this do not appear in the text editor in the program?
the /n has been copied from the other program from where you copied the text.
Many thanks!