Autor: George B.
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I have tried to access a NEW template called computer that I have purchased from the credit offer. I was only able to copy the home picture into a project and I can’t get the entire template. I am not after a picture, I need the entire template. I had no problem when I purchased in the past and downloaded it but with this new credit offer I don’t know how to do it. Can someone help me and tell me how to download the entire template.
Gepostet am
Hello George,
thank you for contacting us!
Once you have got your template with your credits, you will be able to find it in the ''licenced'' section, in the template Gallery of WebSiteX5. Please have a look at the screenshot you will find attached to this post for more details.
Feel free to write back if you have anymore questions about this.
Thank you,
Thank you Samantha for your information, but my problem is right after this step.
After I have selected the purchased template it only gives me the picture in my new project and not the completed page with the "sign in" like it shows on the review sample. What I was hoping to get was like the review and not a picture that I will change any way.
If you think there is a completed template that will give me a head start like the review has you would make me so happy that I will send you a page of roses.
Hello George!
Thank you for your answer!
The content you see in the template preview ( has only been added into the template to give you a hint and show you what kind of result you can achieve with the template you have chosen. Once you add it into WebSite X5, you will find it blank in order to add all your content in it. This isn't a project template, it's a template therefore the content is not included.
I'm very sorry but I'm going to have to miss out on the roses! :(
If you like, you can find project templates here
These projects have content in them as well.
I hope this helps,
Dear Template Developer,
I am so disappointed with the “computer template’s” unfinished work that I
want my credits reversed. The reason is simple. I have been misled. When I selected
this template I wanted the same thing as on the picture, instead I found
nothing like it. What you as the developer offered has nothing to do with any
"LOGIN", This is nothing but a picture and the developer's imagination.
When this will be completed sometime in the near future and show how to use VebSitex5
like a professional should I will buy the “computer template”. <!--?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" ?-->