WebSite X5Help Center

Jerker A.
Jerker A.

Web Fundamentals suggestions  en

Autor: Jerker A.
Besucht 1679, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

I got a message from Google Webmaster Tools Team that my site that is built with X5 is not set up right for mobile phone users. 23 pages have the same problem. "Tättsittande tryckytor" would mean narrow print space, To small font size, The width is not flexible.

I think my site www.jerkerantoni works fine on the mobile phones I tried it on as it is 768pixels wide which is the same as the pixels of the iPhone. So what can I do about it? I am afraid I will not have a good ranking for mobile phones if I don't follow their advice. 

If I upgrade to X5 professional, will it be corrected automatically? Or do I have to build another part of the site for mobile phone users? 


Gepostet am
Ro Partner
Ro Partner

don't waste your money. wait for a release with responsive design.

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Gepostet am von Ro Partner
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

You would have to create a mobile template, and then put it in a sub folder in your website titled mobile, set the width of your mobile template to 640pxs



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Gepostet am von Jamie B.
Ro Partner
Ro Partner

is better then nothing. with redirect directive to a "mobile website" you don't resolve mobile-friendly test. you can try. The correct answer is th responsive design.

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Gepostet am von Ro Partner