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Jaroslav S.
Jaroslav S.

E-mail form not sending  en

Autor: Jaroslav S.
Besucht 1890, Followers 2, Geteilt 0  

Hallo. My problem is to set e-mail form, runing on home web server IIS8.5, Windows8.1, version of Incomedia 11. PHP is working ok on my webserver.A new options come with v.11, I am trying all of them but ether one will not work and the emails are not comming. Now it is setup as PHP Mailer, sending as a GET, and there is a onother option - Folder with permission to wright - the question is shold I feel it up?

I am also asking, would be somebody helpful and connect remote to my PC where I work with Incomedia, to make sure that I have everything as it shold be. And also connect to my webserver to check PHP running ok. Thank you in advance.

Jaroslav S.

Gepostet am
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . and its shure that you got PHP 5.* running on your server ?

From v11 on you have to have PHP 5.* and CHARSET UTF-8 (Unicode) working correct on your server.

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Jaroslav S.
Jaroslav S.

Thank you for your answer, I have PHP 5.4.24 running on IIS 8.5.

How should I check that CHARSET UTF-8 (Unicode) is working correct on my server?

I thing the problem is on my server but I am not too good with it. Please if you have any other ideas where to check, let me know or I can give you login info to my server and you can check it for me.?

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Gepostet am von Jaroslav S.
Claudio D.

Hello Jaroslav,

You need to try all the email script types in step 4 data management to see which one works on your hosting server.

not all hosting server supports all the email script types and by testing them you will see which one works. If none works then you will need to contact your hosting provider to ask if it is supported to send emails from the website and how.

Many thanks!

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.