Change home page 
Autor: Dimitris G.
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How can I change the home page in my map?
Gepostet am
could you please elaborate what you want to do.
I can't change the homepage of a new project with the one of the old : it copies the old homepage as an ordinary page and I can't set this page as the homepage of the new project.
If this is a lower version you mught want to try copy the objects one by one. (open x5 twice and open both projects)
You mean, not to copy the whole page, but the objects of the formet homepage to that of the new project!
The point is to copy the page as a whole! Like all other pages (except the special ones)..........
You can copy the home page but it will be a normal page in the other project, not a new home page in the other project. This is not possible. (and I'm glad because there is a lot of software in the background that relies on the settings of the home page) It would -if it was possible- become unstable or not usable, you would end up with a very bad site !
By copying the objects you will get there as well.