Strange caracters on blog 
Autor: Nenad L.
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I can't remove some strange caracters that appears when I generate the page on the end of the text. Howto make it right?
Gepostet am
Hello Nenad,
Could you post a link to the web page in question, please?
Many thanks,
Isolvedthe problem on this page,but the problemappears on theblogwhen Iinsertedpicturesand create a number ofspaceswithenter andcontinuewritingtext.Then program automaticly put/n/n/n or crosses (it is not visible in preview, only on uploaded page)
Hello Nenad,
I've visited your blog but unfortunately I can't seem to locate any page with the afore-mentioned characters on it.
If you are still experiencing difficulty then could you post a link to the exact page please, so we can look at the source code to try and understand what is happening.
Many thanks,
There is example of /n/n/n
Hello Nenad,
Do you enter the text in the program or you copy/paste it from a word processing program?
The pictures are added with the image function in the text editor of the blog?
Many thanks!
All text is copy/paste from and the pictures are added with the image function in the text editor of the blog, but the problem occurs only on a few pages.
Best Regards,
Hello Nenad,
Try to paste the text before in notepad and then copy it from notepad and paste it then in the blog to see if then you still experience the same issue.
Please keep me updated.