Image generation error 
Autor: Thorkild Kristensen
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I have a site created in ver 11 where there is a page with photo gallery , it is working perfect.When I convert it to ver 12 i have more photos with "image generation error" even the thumpnails have the same.
Then I tryed to make i site from scratch wit only one galery site (5 photoes) 2 of the came out with the error, I tried with different photos but same result. I did the same in ver 11 and it worked perfect. photo field size is about 4 Mb JPG. and the more pictures I add the more errors, still no problems in ver 11.
Then I installed ver 12 on another PC (Lenovo w541 16 GB ram) still the same problem but ver 11 is working without problems with the same pictures in the gallery.
What is wrong and what can we do ??
Thorkild Kristensen
Gepostet am
Hi Thorkild.
The Image Generation Error is cause primarily by two factors:
1) Wrong image path (Not likely to happen)
2) Images way too big for the web (Most likely to happen). In this case, please try and reduce the size of each and every image below 500kb
Let me know
I have resized the pictures to 500 KB and it seemes to work, but why don't i have the same problem in ver 11 ? should be the same , right ?
Hello Thorkild,
Actually no... version 12 has extra processing to do when compared to version 11, due to the inclusion of the new responsive features.
Kind regards,