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William T.
William T.

Slide show width  en

Autor: William T.
Besucht 1408, Followers 2, Geteilt 0  

I would like to make the slide show on my main page wider.  I have tried several things including making the slide show width the maximum size and also makeing the section to the left of the slide show smaller.  Can you tell me what needs to be done?

Gepostet am
Andre E
Andre E


If you make the left tekst / link block object smaller and the slide show box bigger (this wil go automaticly if you have only used 2 blocks.) Then there should be more room. (slide butons below the page creation screen in step 3)

Else create the slideshow over the whole width and set the text blok with links below it.

You could also choose to make the link block in that case more horizontale, like the footer.

Another option is to make the website wider, but this makes your header and footer also widther. this is done in step 1 template style,  choose header and set width.

Setting the main menu -also in step1, template style- as horizontal will also help.

Hope these pointers help you.

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Gepostet am von Andre E
William T.
William T.

I have tried everything I can think of and it is not right.. maybe I did something in a previous verson.  Here is a screen shot with a very wide setting and I made the slide show width the maximum it said I could and it is still very small

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Gepostet am von William T.
Andre E
Andre E

Very strange, is the object in page creation just as wide as the page? (like in my attachement)?

I see you have made the website bigger. and moved the side objects.

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Gepostet am von Andre E
William T.
William T.

yep.. mine is like that.. attached is a screen shot

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Gepostet am von William T.
William T.
William T.

This original design goes back to ver 9 so I don't know if there is a conversion issue or what..  attached is a screen shot of I site I made from scratch in 12.0 and it is fine.

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Gepostet am von William T.
Andre E
Andre E

mmmmm, try this trick, it helped another customer here as well:

It's a bit different problem but maybe something went wrong in converting.


Export your project in step 5. import it back again in x5.

Then press ctrl with the preview button, this takes preview a little longer.

check if preview works (I hope so), then upload and see if works online as well.


Let me know ....

BR André

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Gepostet am von Andre E
William T.
William T.

Actually.. it worked with the export/import part.  I just did a Cntl/preview.. It worked and when I uploaded it it also works... very wierd why the preview would make it work.. but anyway I think it is okay now!

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Gepostet am von William T.