Problems with x5v10 after installing windows 10 
Autor: Jill G.
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The projet opens normally so I can see the site map but when I go to a page and click on an onbject for editing I get an error message and the oject does not open.
After reading other posts I have tried uninstalling x5 and reinstalling as Administrator, shutting down and restarting, and tried installing the Microsoft Visual C++ as described in another answer as follows:
(The Visual C++ 2013 32-bit Redistributable Package can be downloaded from the following link: file you require is vcredist_x86.exe)
No success so far.
Site URL is
Gepostet am
Hello Jill,
The error message indicates that there is a corrupt font installed in your Windows operating system.
Please examine the list of fonts in your Windows 10 installation... look for one called 'Arno Pro'.
If you can find this font then uninstall it and then try to run WebSite X5 again.
If you cannot find the font I refer to then please try to temporarily move all fonts installed on your system to a temporary folder, just to see if you can then operate WebSite X5 correctly. If the program works correctly at that point then try moving the fonts back to their original location.
If you continue to have difficulty then please wait for Incomedia to respond further. Please keep us updated as to your progress.
This is a Windows 10 related issue.
Many thanks,
I deleted Arne Pro but then found I got error message quoting Bickton so deleted that, same again for Bodoni. So I then moved all but system fonts to temp folder. X5 opened normally and was editable.
Reinstalled fonts in original folder but now I get error message quoting Copperplate Gothic. Should I go on deleting fonts until x5 works? That's not only tedious but also a worry if I want these fonts in the future.
Yes, I agree it would be tedious, Jill, I understand what you're saying.
Any fonts which you uninstall at this stage can be reinstalled immediately if you so desire. The issue is not with the fonts themselves but rather corruption of certain fonts on your system following the installation of Windows 10. You are not the first user to experience this, unfortunately.
Feedback from other users has suggested that there is normally only a small number of fonts which need to be uninstalled manually in this way. It might be worth persevering a little more, but in the end the decision is yours. I'm sorry that I cannot offer any further help or assistance in that respect.
You can wait for an official comment from Incomedia, but I'm not sure how much more they could add... the issue is related to Windows 10.
Best wishes...
You're quite right of course, it was only a small number of fonts in the end and x5 is now working normally.
Thank you very much for your very prompt help.
You're very welcome, Jill. Have a super day and enjoy WebSite X5