Force cell size to be bigger when embedding HTML 
Autor: Duncan Baker
Besucht 2035,
Followers 2,
Geteilt 0
I want to have two cells on the same row. The left one to have text in it, the right hand one to have html coding for a sign up form for Mailchimp - for people who want to go on our mailing list. But the coding seems to sit in an iframe with a scroll bar.
How can I force this cell to be big enough to display the Mailchimp sign up form without the scroll bar?
May thanks
Gepostet am
just select Automatic height when inserting the HTML, also you can increase the height of the text cell.
I'm not sure that "automatic height" is the name of the option since I have the program in spanish, but the option is there :)
Thanks - automatic height is not available if I have other objects in the same row, but I can increase the height in the properties at the bottom of the page when the html code window is open.
Thanks again,
Hello Duncan,
I take it the problem is a horizontal scroll bar as opposed to a vertical one?
An HTML Code Object in WebSite X5 cannot be forced to be wider than the width of the page minus the width of any other Objects in that particular row.
Most likely what is happening in this instance is that some part of the HTML code specifies width or other dimension which your HTML Code Object cannot accommodate due to its fixed size.
You can look through the code for the iframe dimensions I refer to, or alternatively post the code here if you like so we can advise further.
Once you have located the references, reduce the stated width to match that of your HTML Code Object, or of course you can reduce the size of the Text Object in the same row which will have a similar result.
Kind regards,
Thanks Paul - now solved. See above.