Disappointed in service of Website X5 
Autor: Ton Dijkmans
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Since September I am communicating with Website X5 about a memory issue that appeared after installing Windows 10. Several items followed in this forum (in a private threat), but upto today, no solution is given. I use X5 now for several years and even brought new customers to use this software. But now I am very disappointed in the problem solving ability of the Website X5 organisation. Since I have to move on, I decided to stop with X5 and start using other software to build sites for my customers. I really regret that I had to make this decision! But I cannot wait any longer.
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I tried some other software but was so pleased when X5 released their responsive version.
I have watched a number of threads and all problems with Windows 10 and X5 appear to be resolved - or perhaps the threads were made private?
I have not moved my main PC to Win10 - it seems I had better install V12 on my laptop and make sure it works. Good Luck.