Where can I use javascript 
Autor: Levente Alföldy
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I found many futures but Its have javascript code, and I don't know where is the javascript.
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If set on one page of your website use step2 just select (not double click) the page you want it on then go to properties, there go to expert tab, set it there in the section the maker of the scripts advises it.
If set on the whole website, goto step 4, statistics and ceo, goto expert tab, set it there in the section the maker of the scripts advises it.
I Did not found that. :/
If you want to place it on just 1 page then goto step2, select the page, press on the right side the properties button. you have 3 TABS there, goto the Expert TAB.
There you will find room for custom code (wich javascripts are) In the pulldown menu above the text field where the script is set you can select where in the code of your website it will be placed, ussualy the maker of the script will mention this.
For the script to work on all pages you can use step 4 then ceo and statistics, there it is the same as above you have TABS goto expert TAB.
I attached a picture with javascript I set in step4.
Let me know if this helps.
thanks, it works but I have another question : I have a login form and a register form and when i click the register button nothing happens, I think on it what i have to do, I can create a database and put a html code in the register form which do the work, create a rank, save it, and the user can use it.
What html code is it?
Or what do I do?
Here's the html code from the register form:
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,300,300italic,400italic,600' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/3.1.1/css/font-awesome.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="testbox">
<form action="/">
<div class="accounttype">
<input type="radio" value="None" id="radioOne" name="account" checked/>
<label for="radioOne" class="radio" chec>Ember</label>
<input type="radio" value="None" id="radioTwo" name="account" />
<label for="radioTwo" class="radio">Cég</label>
<label id="icon" for="name"><i class="icon-envelope "></i></label>
<input type="text" name="name" id="name" placeholder="Email" required/>
<label id="icon" for="name"><i class="icon-user"></i></label>
<input type="text" name="name" id="name" placeholder="Név" required/>
<label id="icon" for="name"><i class="icon-shield"></i></label>
<input type="password" name="name" id="name" placeholder="Jelszó" required/>
<div class="gender">
<input type="radio" value="None" id="male" name="gender" checked/>
<label for="male" class="radio" chec>Férfi</label>
<input type="radio" value="None" id="female" name="gender" />
<label for="female" class="radio">Nő</label>
<p><a href="#"></a></p>
<a href="#" class="button">Regisztráció</a>
In the code end there is the register button:
<a href="#" class="button">Register</a>
The Regisztráció is register in another language, sorry.
Maybe it helps if you tell us what you want to do. there are mail forms in x5 they are programmed to work with x5.
Maybe someone else can help but for me it looks like it's a form with references that also needs adressing, copying a form code only will not make it work like it is where you got it from.
How do I do a register and a login form with html?
I'm not good at that.
You can make a form in x5 and ask for the information you need, then you will receive a mail with the data.
But where do they need the users to register for, or better, where do you want to grant them acces to ?