Could not receive order e-mails or Q & A emails from client 
Autor: Stephen Choa
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Since 2 days ago, I can't receive e-mails sent from my website's e-mail form (Contact us) and also i can't receive sales details send by my website's order form. My website total not responsive to me. Please help as I can't receive order and also Q & A from client.Fyi, I am using WebsiteX5 Evolution 9 for my web creation.
Gepostet am
Hello Stephen,
Could you please post a link to the website in question?
Many thanks,
and also, all the purchase details from shopping chart
Please go to the following URL:
Log in using your admin credentials which are defined in Step 4 Advanced Settings > Access Management. Once logged in use the built-in test facility to check your current server settings, and let us know the results.
What changes have you made to either your project or your server recently?
I have log in already but could not find the "built-in email test facility"? Can guide me when to find the features?
Also, nothing major or specific I done to my website. However, I am using yahoo small business and nothing it has bought our by Asbaco recently. Will it affected?
So typo error. nothing = noticed
Look in the top left hand corner of your screen... the relevant section is marked 'Website Test'... click on that link...
If you have not recently made any specific changes to your project then the issue will almost certainly be hosting/server related. Please have a word with your webhost and explain that you have recently stopped receiving emails, and ask them why this might be.
I have tested. all pass.
PHP Version pass
Session support Pass
Server public folder path pass
MySQL setting pass
Good, in that case the next logical step would be to contact your webhost and explain the problem to them.
I'm not going to suggest changing email script type within WebSite X5 as things don't just break of their own accord. It's far more likely that your webhost has altered the configuration of your server in some way, which has resulted in the issues you are experiencing.