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Juergen S.
Juergen S.

Responsive Designs should be more easy to understand & more comfortable!  de

Autor: Juergen S.
Besucht 596, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

The way you integrate responsive design is not good.

People have problems to imagine what they're doing.

There's quite an easy solution:

Just create the desin interface like the original one with columns and rows as we all know.

All that has to be new is an "Obkject-pool" containing all the objects allready created and filled up for the original page. You might know this philosophy from Pivot-Tables in Excel, where you drop existing fields from a pool into place.

Then you just once more choose how many colums & rows you want and just drag & drop them into place.

That should be all the same and indepenently for every layout (breakpoint)

One more option is needed: Some objects (like tables) just won't fit because they do not scale like the pictures do. So one has to be able to make  them pictures, so one can scale them, so thy fit well (weithout scrollbars). You have  this in the header where you can store text as png-file...

Do this, and we'll all be happy 8:o)=

Gepostet am
Juergen S.
Juergen S.

Sorry, you just have to tell the user, that he's not working on the view he has selected on the left, but on the one below.


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Gepostet am von Juergen S.