Problem with the mail form 
Autor: Дмитрий К.
Besucht 2035,
Followers 1,
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Good afternoon!
I have a problem with the mail form ...
I need to request a form sent 2 email addresses moderators.
2 in the copy destination
Is this possible? I websiteX5 professional version 12
Gepostet am
Hello Дмитрий,
You can send the email data to as many addresses as you like. Simply separate the email addresses with semi-colons (;) in the 'User email address' field.
Please see the help file for further details:
Kind regards,
Thank you!
I solved his problem.
Tell me whether you can make to the recipients in the a hidden copy were not seen that receives a copy of the letter?
Do you mean BCC? If so then unfortunately that is not possible.
Thank you!