Product page not displaying remotely but works fine locally 
Autor: Kerry W.
Besucht 1993,
Followers 1,
Geteilt 0
We have a site which works perfectly locally but remotely does not work the same
Locally when I click on the Products Page it works fine
Remotely it only displays the main page
Any Advice ?
Should I zip up my site and send to Tech Support
Many Thanks In Advance
Gepostet am
Hello Kerry W.,
You are welcome to send your project to Incomedia.
However, I would first check for any possible issues on the server. For example, incorrect entries in an .htaccess file could cause this sort of thing.
If you are willing to share the URL of the site in question then we could perhaps offer a more in-depth analysis.
Kind regards,
Basically every link goes back to the main page
(Many Thanks For Your Initial Quick Reply)
You have some old, redundant files on the server. For example, compare the following URLs:
I suspect the latter shows the correct content?
The quickest and easiest way to rectify this would be to delete ALL files from your web server. Then, in WebSite X5, hold down the 'CTRL' key whilst entering the Preview mode. Allow the preview to build to completion by watching the progress bar in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Finally, export ALL your project files to the server in Step 5, not just those 'recently modified'.
Test for correct operation online.
Let us know if you still experience difficulties.
Thankyou Paul for your quick reply
We will test again in the morning
I'm Mark who is helping Kerry & Bartek
Actually is there any setting to make all pages end in .php
The reason I am asking is because normally we host on Microsoft but this site is on some linux server and after deploying we need to reset all files to 0777 then copy index.html to index.php for the main page to display ...
I did manually also copy the Products.html to .php file but I guess the links internally point to the .html version so please advise us if there is some settings we could or should be using
Mark(and Kerry & Bartek)
Hello Mark,
You can change the filename extension of any page in Step 2. Highlight the page in the sitemap by clicking once on it, then click on the 'Properties' button at the right-hand side of the screen. In the new screen which appears go to the 'Expert' tab and select your required 'File Name Format' from the dropdown menu near the top of the screen.
If you delete the redundant files from the server then this shouldn't be an issue in future. If you only have one index file (index.php as opposed to index.html) then your server will use that one. If you are using Apache then you can also use DirectoryIndex to choose which file you wish to display.
Again, I advise wiping all existing files from the server, then doing a CTRL-preview, then uploading ALL files afresh to the server.
I don't recommend 'copying' pages or parts of pages in the manner you describe. Let WebSite X5 take care of the sitemap, menus, and directory structure. It's good at that! If you break any of these inadvertently, even with the best of intentions, then you are storing up trouble for yourself at a later stage in the project.
Good luck!
We are now making better progress . . .
Cheers for all your help
Mark & Kerry & Bartek