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Ray T.
Ray T.

Looking for a auto/gas service station template.  en

Autor: Ray T.
Besucht 1661, Followers 2, Geteilt 0  

Looking for a auto/gas service station template. I am lookinto making a website using Websitex5 v 12 to create a site for a friend that has a BP service station. I don't want to recreate the wheel if someone has already done one that they would share/give/sell the template.

Gepostet am
Andre E
Andre E

Have you checked the gallery ?

But why not create it yourself, it's not that much work and then you can make it to your needs, it's diffucult to find cause everybody has his own design, setup, place colour scheme and so on...

You could also check internet for ideas.

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Ray T.
Ray T.

Okay I have looked online but what I found is most of all in wordpress. From what I have I can't get the look of a wordpress site with Websitex5 Evolution 12. If I am wrong I apologize and ask that some one explain how to achive that with this product.

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Gepostet am von Ray T.
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

Why dont you create your template from begining?

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Gepostet am von X5 Croatia
Ray T.
Ray T.

Thanks all. I wonder it the was built using the websitex5 tool and they would add that to the WEBSITE X5 GALLERY. That is the type of look and feel I am looking for. Does anybody know the answer?

Was was built using websitex5?

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Gepostet am von Ray T.
Andre E
Andre E

yes it's made with x5 by the programmers of x5 and with the use of custom coding.

But it feels to me that you are not willing to start creating your own design in x5.

If you never start making / creating youre own websites in x5, wich is a very easy to create websites with, and you want professional websites, then it's better to hire someone to create the website.

Or start creating it yourself and learn on your way. The site you mention is not easy and you will defenitly need to learn the basics first before creating a site like that.

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida

Hello Ray. If you want you can see my template for Website Evo 12 and Pro at this web address:

Reduce gradually the browser window to see how the website fits all screen resolutions.


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Gepostet am von Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida


This is the template to different views, from desktop to smartphone.

See attachment.... 

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Gepostet am von Giuseppe Guida
Ray T.
Ray T.

very nice, so are you selling the template.

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Gepostet am von Ray T.
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida

Yes, I can sell you the template. Go to my website: and in the middle of the home page there is my email. Please contact me via email.


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Gepostet am von Giuseppe Guida