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Onur O.
Onur O.

Advertising Message PROBLEM Help is needed  en

Autor: Onur O.
Besucht 1465, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

Hi there,

On my Evolution 12 (latest update I'm having problem with viewing "Show ads on the top corner" option and it's "Syles". Others options working just fine.

I haven't uploaded my webpage to the internet, just using the Preview button for it. Any help is appreciated.



Gepostet am
Andre E
Andre E


It helps if we know what the problem is, can you elaborate ?

Most impotant is a correct size of your picture, try different sizes, else please comment on what the actual problem is.


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Gepostet am von Andre E
Onur O.
Onur O.

Hi Andre,

The Problem is; on the advertising Message section the "Show ads on the top corner" with it's "style" options are not working.

Other options such as "show ads in the box" and "show ads in a horizontal bar" are working just fine.

I hope I made it understandable. 

Can you advise me the correct size of the picture? I tried different sizes but wasn't successful. 


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Gepostet am von Onur O.
Andre E
Andre E

So you can't select a style ? Or you can select a style but it is not shown ?

Or is there always a standard shown ? Or nothing ?

I personally use a picture that is about 75% of the width/height pixel size selected in the advert section.

So if width/height is set at 400 i use a picture that is 300x300.

But it depends a bit on waht you show as well.

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Onur O.
Onur O.

Nothing is visiable about "Show ads on the top corner" and its styles... It doesn't show up on the preview page.. different sizes not working either

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Gepostet am von Onur O.
Andre E
Andre E

Do you have (latest) javascript installed and latest version in your browser ?

check also if adobe flash player is up to date and installed.

Note: Be aware to unselect items you don't want ! (amazon and mcafee, true key (intel))

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Wayne B.
Wayne B.

I have found that in Preview mode it does not necessarily work....but is fine when the site is uploaded. Check your Flash Player version as Andre suggests as well.

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Gepostet am von Wayne B.
Onur O.
Onur O.

Unfortunately.. I updated the java.. Doesn't help.

The wierd thing is that the only right corner ads not working.. Where you can choose blue buble on the right top writen "NEW" or different styles such as "page peel".

If I choose "show ads in a box" It works or "show ads in a horizontal bar" 

Only "Show ads on the right corner" and its "STYLE" options not working..

Thanks for trying guys..

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Gepostet am von Onur O.
Andre E
Andre E


Is this also with a brand new project, with no code or text, just the add ?

Please check, if not ok you could try a reinstall.

As Wayne suggested try it also online, maybe it works there ?

Also try once using preview with ctrl button pressed, maybe it will work then. (this resets your pc cash memory of the preview)

Let me know, THX

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Gepostet am von Andre E