How to import page(s) from one site to the other? 
Autor: Miklós Rácz
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I need help please in connection with ver. Evolution 11.
I have two different sites, made in Evo 11, and I want to use the some pages of old site in the new site.
Is it possible to import pages from one site into another?
Or, I have to edit the page again?
Gepostet am
You can open WX5 twice (once for the new and once for the old project).
You cannot copy pages between projects, but you can copy the cells on a page to a page on the other project. It is a good way to duplicate content on 2 different sites.
You can copy and paste objects within a page in "3 page creation".
In "2 how to create the sitemap ", you can copy and insert Sites. (right click copy paste)
This is within a project or in another project at the same time open.