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Paul F.
Paul F.

Shopping Cart tax calculation  en

Autor: Paul F.
Besucht 1606, Followers 2, Geteilt 0  

How does the shopping cart calculate tax? 

Can you have different geographical locations pay a different tax?

For example order from USA pay 5% and Canada pay 13% and etc...



Gepostet am
Bruce ..
Bruce ..

Hello Paul!

The tax that relates to the shopping trolley is your country. If something other user Parents , buy on your site it will pay tax of that country in specific. That is, the program can not perform this type of calculation . You would have to create a HTML code to make such a calculation , for example when a person entering an address out of your parents. So unfortunately the program does not perform this kind of function. What I advise you is to tell your server, or you use another platform to create your site , because the site has is limited . I hope it was helpful for my answer. And excuse me for google translation.

Tradução para português

Olá Paul!

O imposto que refere-se ao carrinho de compra é do seu Pais. Se algo usuário de outro Pais, comprar em seu site ele irá pagar o imposto daquele pais em especifico. Ou seja, o programa ainda não consegue realizar esse tipo de calculo. Você teria que criar um código em HTML que fizesse tal calculo, por exemplo quando a pessoa informar um endereço fora de seu pais. Portanto, infelizmente o programa não realiza esse tipo de função. O que eu te aconselho é informar ao seu usuário, ou que você utilize outra plataforma para criar o seu site, pois o site possui está limitação. Espero que tenha sido útil minha resposta. E me desculpa pela tradução do google.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Bruce ..
Paul F.
Paul F.

If I understand correctly, there is only one Tax Calculation and I can set the percentage. Right?

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Gepostet am von Paul F.
Bruce ..
Bruce ..

Yes, you can set the percentage, according to the rules of your parents. And the tax due for that type of service. In Brazil the tax paid is the ICMS , which has a fixed value by the competent authorities. More if your question is if you can put any value , of course it does . However , I do not know say what punishment or punishment exists in your country , who does not inform or put in the right way .

Tradução para português

Sim, você pode estabelecer a porcentagem, conforme regras de seu pais. E o imposto devido para aquele tipo de serviço. No Brasil o imposto pago é o ICMS, que possui valor fixo pela autoridades competente. Mais se a sua pergunta seria se você pode colocar qualquer um valor, é claro que sim. Entretanto, não sei informar quais punições ou se existe punições em seu pais, para quem não informa ou coloca da forma correta.

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Gepostet am von Bruce ..
Paul F.
Paul F.

When I go to your shopping cart in my prices are in Canadian dollars. Does Evolution allow users to see the price in local currency?

By the way, what do you mean by parent? 

Do you mean the country I live in?

So I set one tax rate based on the country I live in and everyone from all over the world pay tax based on that rate?

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Gepostet am von Paul F.
Bruce ..
Bruce ..

I'm sorry , I'm using google translator . As I said, that if I live in Brazil , enter your site in Canada. I will view the local currency of your country. Because as I said the program does not automatically performs currency conversion and imposto.Ou is, will pay as currency and rates provided in your country. That in the case of program website x5 . On another site creation platforms through programming, you can perform this conversion function to automatically currency, which unfortunately does not have the website x5 . One option you can do is put free , and use the paypal or Alertpay that already performs the conversion to any currency.

Tradução para português

I'm sorry , I'm using google translator . As I said, that if I live in Brazil , enter your site in Canada. I will view the local currency of your country. Because as I said the program does not automatically performs currency conversion and imposto.Ou is, will pay as currency and rates provided in your country. That in the case of program website x5 . On another site creation platforms through programming, you can perform this conversion function to automatically currency, which unfortunately does not have the website x5 . One option you can do is put free , and use the paypal or Alertpay that already performs the conversion to any currency.

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Gepostet am von Bruce ..
Paul F.
Paul F.

Thank you... I understand now. If I live in Canada, can I make my shopping cart accept only US Dollars?

So no matter where in the world you are, all customers pay in USD and not Canadian Dollars. I do not want to list prices in Canadian Dollars, only USD.

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Gepostet am von Paul F.
Bruce ..
Bruce ..

Basically this, if I buy something on your site, EuTe have to pay in US dollars . Of course in paid in reais in Brazil and you receive in dollars . If the program has such a feature, you can choose from. And as I said , if you have paypal account , you choose the currency you want to receive . I hope you managed to answer your question . Anything we are available .

Tradução para português

Basicamente isso, seu eu comprar alguma coisa em seu site, eute terei que pagar em dolar. É claro que em pago em reais aqui no Brasil e você recebe em dolares. Se o program dispuser dessa função você pode escolher. E como eu disse, se você possuir conta no paypal, você escolher a moeda que quer receber. Espero que tenha conseguido responder sua dúvida. Qualquer coisa estamos a disposição.

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Gepostet am von Bruce ..