Greyscale pictures in gallery: thumb is not generated "Image Generation Error" 
Autor: Silly M.
Besucht 1920,
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I converted my website to version 13 Evolution and all greyscale pictures in my photo galleries are now missing from the thumbnails. If you click on the thumbnail the original photo is displayed correctly, only the thumbnail is an error picture, please see attachment.
Gepostet am
Hello Silly M.,
Your issue sounds very similar to that of another user. You might like to follow progress on that thread whilst waiting for the Incomedia support team to respond to your own query:
Kind regards,
Hello Paul,
Thank you for your response.
My greyscale photos are generally less than 100K in size and not larger than 640x480px. Thumbnails for colour (RGB) photos are generated fine, but none for the greyscale ones.
Another issue with galleries is that if you select to display the enlarged photos in ShowBox, some galleries work fine but some won't resize the ShowBox window correctly: landscape photos are displayed as distorted portrait pictures, please see attachment.
I skipped version 12 and converted my 11 Evolution project to 13 Evolution and I'm a bit disappointed to see that my web site needs LOTS of amendment to look like the version 11 site again.
All the best,
Hello Silly M.,
The thumbnail error comes probably from the 8bit depth images which will be solved with the new update. The showbox issue has also been reported to the developers and will be fixed soon.
Many thanks!
Hello Claudio,
Both problems are now fixed in Update
Thank you!