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Muhammad I.
Muhammad I.

Object Style Colour Setting  en

Autor: Muhammad I.
Besucht 1929, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  


I am using Website X5 Profession 13 (latest version). I have facing a problem. There is an option in Object Style>settings>colour > where I can use 'colour picker' to hold and drag on any colour. Then It picks that colour easily. But In my Website X5 Profession 13, this funtion does not work properly at all. It doesn not pick right colour. It actually gives totally different colour.

Can you please help with this. It will save my time. I will really appreciate your prompt help.

Kind Regards

Muhammad Iqbal

Gepostet am
Andre E
Andre E

I used it several times with no problems. Could it be that another program interferes?

Try a restart of pc and open only x5 and see if it works then? If not you could try to expert project and import it again.

Best Regards,


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Gepostet am von Andre E
Muhammad I.
Muhammad I.


I restarted pc and used only x5 but it still gives errors. I attached 5-6 pictures in a pdf file for you to have a look please.

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Gepostet am von Muhammad I.
Claudio D.

Hello Muhammad I.,

Do you experience the same issue on both computers where the program is installed?

Try please to install all the windows updates and then test it again.

If it should still happen let me know which windows version you use.

Many thanks!

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Muhammad - my apologies, ignore my last post, I just scrolled thru your pdf and saw the problem. It is obviously far harder to diagnose than I had assumed by looking at a single image.

You may wish to try displaying the image in irfanview (free) rather than the Win 10 picture viewer in order to pic the colour.

(I do wish Incomedia would allow the author to delete his own post :-(

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Gepostet am von Esahc ..
Andre E
Andre E

If there is a very big white screen and you set it to the middle is it still another colour?

What kind of display do you have (touchscreen?)

@ Eshac,

I have set it for you, BR Andre E

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Muhammad I.
Muhammad I.

I use Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro-1370 (an dyes it is touch screen). The laptop has all updates installed. 

Actually it gives odd colours when i drag the pointer on other colours (to choose that colour). 

I did installed Website X5 Profession 13 on another pc but I didnt use it over there. I will try it over there. Then I will let you know.

I appreciate your comments.

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Gepostet am von Muhammad I.
Muhammad I.
Muhammad I.


I tried on my pc and software is working perfect. There was no error. 

Can you please provide with any guidance in relation to using x5 professional on my laptop as why it is giving error and how can i get rid of it. 

I have my project stored on laptop and its easy for me to carry laptop and work anywhere. 

Any help will be much appciated. 

Kind Regards

Muhammad Iqbal 

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Gepostet am von Muhammad I.
Andre E
Andre E

I think it has something to do with the screen, maybe lenove can help or check on internet to see if there are similar problems. It could be a driver problem of the screen or pointer, are they all up to date ?

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Muhammad, you are not using the Win 10 virtual desktop feature are you?

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Gepostet am von Esahc ..
Muhammad I.
Muhammad I.


Laptop is up-to-date. When I bought it couple of years ago, it had windows 8. Then I upgraded it to Windows 10 (free upgrade). And I am not using Win 10 desktop feature. Should I reinstall display drivers ? Or do you think it has something to do with Upgrading to Win10?

Which kind of actions should I take ? I really appreciate your suggestions. 

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Gepostet am von Muhammad I.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Muhammad, I am using Windows 10 upgraded through various versions from 7 (inc 8 & 8.1) without issue.

I would be looking for updates. With a PC I recently worked on I found the best solution to fix graphics drivers was to remove them (use windows default), then check for update with manufacturers site.

However, at this time we are all only guessing it is a driver problem :-(

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Gepostet am von Esahc ..