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Christine C.
Christine C.

Why Can you not do this in your past and next upgrade  en

Autor: Christine C.
Besucht 1522, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

Why is it after many times and years of asking and being told X5 will consider my suggestion over many years NOTHING HAS BEEN INCORPRATED into your program updates.

I have asked many times to have a password written into X5website to access the website, not a page access that is available but a password and username to get access to my website as other website have incorporated into their site.

Is it you are not able of putting this into your program. Please will you give an answer and Please Do Not Give Me The Run Around as you have done in the past, A straight answer is what I am looking for. not it will be considered as this has been told to me for over 4 years and nothing or no answers to my question. I have put this into ideas many times but again NOTHING HAPPENS Thank you and Happy New Year Christine

Gepostet am
Elisa B.

Hello Christine, 

thank you for your message. 

We always go through all the suggestions that we receive in order to improve our software and our service. Unfortunately, it is not alsways possible to please everybody, but we do work hard to satify our customers and their needs.

In you case, the result you have mentioned can be obtained by creating an Homepage, to which everyone can have access to, and by setting all other pages as private, so that the users will have to register and login to visit your entire website.

I hope this can help you. Kind regards. 

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Gepostet am von Elisa B.
Christine C.
Christine C.

Thank you Elisa.

What I have asked for has been put to X5 by many. you are just brushing me off once again as you have done over the years.

I don’t want to have to create a home page. Let’s look at what most websites on line have, they all have a basic start to their websites with a password and user name to gain access to the website this is very common in most websites that run shops etc, that visitors cannot move any further than the registration until they have registered put in their detail.

X5 do not have the capabilities to do this otherwise it would have been incorporated into years ago, you have not really improved the facilities over the years, any of your upgrade always comes a small upgrade  

(“Not worth the cost for what you are offering”)   and it comes with problems and further work for the purchaser.


. Kind Regards Christine.

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Gepostet am von Christine C.
Andre E
Andre E

Hello Christine C.

Sorry, I want to help out here a little bit, but please don't shout, I don't understand what you mean and I woud like to help.

Let me first point out that I help out many years here in the helpcenter and I am only a user like you are, I am not from Incomedia.

I have read also your previous posts but still don't understand what you ask, normal websites don't start off with passwords or logins, maybe it helps if you show us a sample of what you would like ( an url of a website that you point out), also what kind of website do you have, I have a fealing that you only use x5 for a shop, if this is the case then your request is to me more clear, you would like a login so customers don't have to set there adress and things like that and that customers can create an own account.

But again, this is a gues, I am just not sure what you mean and I think making it more clear helps out everybody.

Also I don't think Incomedia does not listen to there customers, they do, all new items in v12 and v13 (and previous versions) came from customer request, the most request I have seen here where for responsive sites and gues what, it's been made, like many other items as well.

Requests from myself ( i have made several) are also not all incorporated, but some are, so I made them again and just wait, it's for me very hard to judge how many request come in and what the technical possibilities are. Some feutures can't be made with websites, like say a bullitin board it is created on a very different platform then a website....

On the other hand it might be a good Idea, to have an answer on Idea posts, I agree on that point, so not just we will see what we can do, but a straight yes or no or checking possibilities. That is not always nice but it is an answer, maybe I put that as an Idea in as well. Although things that are not possible today could be made tomorrow if software that internet exists of changes and gets updated, so it is difficult from both sides to get a good sollution, looks a bit like life itself.....

Thanks and sorry for intruding in this post.

Best Regards,


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Gepostet am von Andre E
Christine C.
Christine C.

Thank you I really need to speak to the people who take our money . its is again that X5 is passing the parcel and the Buck. You say dont shout I am fed up to the back teeth with what I get from X5 its the people who program their programs who I want to address this issue. I cannot be more clearer than I have been if you do not understand then I cannot help you, I do not want to be in coversation with the helpers as you mentioned you do not work for X5 then its not you who I am writing to but to those who over the years totaly ignore customers requests, they have responded and say  to me  We Will Look Into This For Our Next Upgrade, this has been said and told to me for years . I am not going to bother with this comapany anymore, I will look for another who I can talk to without their helpers doing what they should be doing. They take our money and you do the work Strange set up they run  Christine .

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Gepostet am von Christine C.
Andre E
Andre E

Thanks Christine,

Sorry you feel like that, for me personally, I don't have this feeling at all.

Anyway if you don't want help from users but only from Incomedia it's better to set the post to private, this way only Incomedia can see and answer.

Posting without private makes me want to help and other users probably also and I am still intrested in a site that has this function, maybe there is another way of solving this. But that is offcource up to you.

Hope you will work it out, because IMHO there is no other program that can do what x5 offers for this money.

Best Regards,


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Gepostet am von Andre E
Elisa B.

Hi Chistine,

I am sorry for the stressful situation, but I'm afraid I didn't get what you meant the other day.

To provide you with the proper information, I kindly ask you some questions so I can be of help. What would the aim of creating a website only accessible with a login be? Do you want your site to be protected or do you want to achieve a CMS-like effect, with users being able to manage their own space on your website? For this reason, I kindly ask you to post the link to a website you consider as an example of what you want to do. In this way, I will be able to give you more  appropriate advice. 

I can understand the situation you're going through, since what you've asked for hasn't been added to the software. Still, I'm sorry to hear that you don't agree with Andre and many other users who appreciate the software and our service, because we do take into account our users' ideas. We received many requests and we do our best to evaluate what can be done to satisfy them.

I hope you can give us a try and in that case I suggest you post your future ideas on the Help Center dedicated area, so that we can take them in good care. In fact, we looked into your case and noticed that you didn't post there about this specific topic (it's a small thing, I know, but it can help us in the evaluation process).

About your case, I'll be pleased to go back to you after receiving the information required in the questions above.

All the best.

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Gepostet am von Elisa B.
Christine C.
Christine C.

Thank you. lets look at these 2  website as an example that you will need to log in befroe you can proceed any further NEXT TO ACCESS this other site

you will need to login in I am sure you do not need me to present you with websites that have a log in before proceeding Facebook is another website you have to log in with your details ect.

This has been put to Ideas many times and all I get it will be looked at in the next upgrade, X5 do not see this as being importain. I am sure customer would like to have full control over their websites who they will allow to login in  Here is another 2 websites I can present you with many more as it is the norm to have control over your websites  With X5  you do not get this unless you use advance settings, then if google picks it up the reader can by pass the user advance settings and can enter via the  back door.

Sorry if this seems to be a problem for many but it has been a bug in my backside and maybe X5 will look at createing this into their next version and I will then purchase it.   Regrds Christine

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Gepostet am von Christine C.
Andre E
Andre E


Thank you for these links, they help a lot.

Let me handle them one by one;

This is not a website but a forum, check internet if you are not familiair with forums. see for instance:


This is a shop, it can be accesed without a login.

On the home page, below, they have made an online email form for registration.

This one can be accesed without login, in the menu there is a link to an online email form.

This one can be accesed without login, there is link to register to an email form.

All the above sites (except the forum) can be made with x5 as it is now except for:

a login that online records the details like adress, mail adress and phone number. So that if they have chosen some items to buy and they go to there shopping cart, they can buy without entering there information, just a login and password and then the adress / mail information is used for your shop.

Or they login before buying then select there items and then can directly order the items in the check out part.

Let me know if I don't understand correctly or if I missed something.

Again, thanks for helping out with the internet adresses, this helps getting you what you want.

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Christine C.
Christine C.

Thank you for replying Andre,

I still feel X5 could incorporate a login in at the FrontPage to give me and others who have full control over who can access to their sites, with the advance setting anyone can provide to others their user name and password and they can access the website. I do believe when some sites run a registration process it picks up their IP address.

Anyway, I would like to see X5 look at this issue I am would not mind paying quite a lot more for a special program with this control over my site incorporated into it.

Lets see if X5 is listening as I have asked for this since my first purchase going back to version 7 when X5 first put their first program out. Kind Regards Christine 

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Gepostet am von Christine C.
Elisa B.

Hello Christine, 

I have looked though the websites you have signalled. 

The forum cannot be done with WebSite X5 so far. As to the online shops , if you are referring to the possibility of saving the customers' data, so that they do not have to re-enter their names, adress etc. , I cofirm that the developpers are working on that, but so far it is still not  possible to create private areas containing data and list of the orders of the users. Did you mean that or do you have other needs?

Thank you for the links, they have been very useful. You are right, these functionalities are very up-to-date and should be implented, especially as far as the e-commerce is concerned. I will push the developers for this, but I guarantee that they are already working on this. 

We will notify our customers when this feature will be avaiable. Thank you for your interesting suggestion. I am avaiable if you need further help. 

Kind regards.

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Gepostet am von Elisa B.
Christine C.
Christine C.

All I am asking is to give complete control over who can aceess the website from the front  page, Nothing more or nothing less. that is in plain English I am not going to waste anymore time on this. Its up to X5 to read what I have said, Thank you and good night Christine

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Gepostet am von Christine C.
Christine C.
Christine C.

Elisa Thank you for the information, Once X5 has this incorprorated into their program I be the first to purchase it even if the cost is much hiher. I do know there is a lot goes into developement but the version I have purchased fron version 7 right upto version 12 and also version 12 pro unless there is this built into the next version I am afraid I will not need to do any upgrades as what I have is fine but without the control over the full website. Again Many Thanks and lets see what they can come up with, By the way the Blog could do with some upgrade     Regards Christine

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Gepostet am von Christine C.
Elisa B.

Hello Christine, 

thank you for your reply and for the interest you have shown for the product during the years.

The choice of an update to the next version is completely up to you, but we really hope you will keep using our software and stay with us. I hope we will be able to fullfill your wishes. We will surely notify our customer if some of the above mentioned improvements will be present in a future updates.

Thank you for having shared your interesting ideas and suggestions with us, it is really important to us. I wish you a good day. Kind regards.

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Gepostet am von Elisa B.