Setting a page anchor for a page link 
Autor: Ben Emery
Besucht 2613,
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Hi Guys. Is it possible to set a page anchor for a link to attach to? it gives you an option to change it when setting u a link but only gives you on option of none (top of the page). Is it possible to change this?
Thanks in advance for any input.
Gepostet am
You can set an anchor in each object (for the initial object).
For an anchor within an object, you can split the object into several objects, or you can insert the html-code yourself and link it manually.
It works just like JJ said, select the cell you want the anchor in, click on the anchor icon along the tool bar at the top, give your anchor a name (see attachment). Next time you link to that page you can optionally select the anchor.
perfect thank you so much guys massive help.
I put an other topic on here dont know if you guys can help with it. I did a site a couple of months ago and when setting the guestbook I could change the appearance of the boxes and the buttons etc but on one I have just started I cant change it the option seams to have just vanished. Any ideas?