Updating liberies takes a long time 
Autor: Jan Van Den Berg
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Since a, used t couple of days I have the next problem:
Starting my programm Website X5 Evolution..... the opening screen says : "opening liberies", then "Updating liberies" and here is the problem...: The updating of liberies takes about 5-8 minutes and the the programms starts, and this will take about 3-4 minutes. Then everything works ok. It takes now about 10 minutes to open the programm instead of about 20 seconds. plze advise.
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I have the same issue. Anyone have any ideas what is causing it??
Don't know how, but after using iolo system mechanic, everything is working fine now.
Problem is back, same issue.... Loading the programm takes about 10 minutes
Anyone ??? plze advise what todo.
Hello Jan,
thank you for your message, I am sorry for the delay in my answer.
Please try and restart the pc, then disable all the programs running in the background, so to have only WebSite X5 running. Start the program as admin and please try the following procedure:
- Open the windows start menu or press the Windows Key + R and search for cmd.exe and run it.
- In the Command Prompt enter following command:
lodctr /R
- Press enter
Please let me know if it helped you. Kind regards.
Hi Elisa,
I did what you said, but it does not work.
Any other solution?
Jan & James, try disconnecting the internet (remove cable or disable network card like I did) before starting WX5.
When I did this the program started almost instantly.
Perhaps Incomedia could advise us how to start WX5 without updating libraries as an interim measure until they can speed up their file servers or we can speed up out internet connections.
the problem is since the last update Ver.
the problem is after the last update Ver.
Martin, the problem also affects V12 (although not so bad), this implies there is less to check in V12 I guess.
It's odd that only some of us experience some of these issues. Mine starts up maybe a very small amount slower, but now uploads any changes amazingly fast! Much better than it used to do...
There are too many things that third party software seems to have an effect on since Version 13 came out. Annoying, even though many of them have been addressed.
Hi everybody,
I have the same issue. Version It takes a long time to start, stays much longer than before the last update at updating libraries.
And for me too, starting without Internet is very fast. I noticed that the program starts with another windows than with Internet. (attachment). I do not have this windows when normally starting.
@ Esahc: Thx, This works. I have Website X5 installed on my laptop, at my network at home I have this problem, at my work there is no problem at all when I connected first to the network.
What I do now at home is hitting key Flight-modus on my laptop, start website x5 and its start up in neraly 20 seconds now, and then turn flight modus of.
This is how it starts with internet on
Perhaps there is an optional command line switch that INCOMEDIA can provide to stop the update when loading?
The strange thing I have noticed: Connected to the internet and then start WebsiteX5 takes lot of time at home, but when I take the same laptop, connected to the internet at my work, it's starts instantly.
Jan, you probably can't affor internet as fast as your boss can :-)
Esahc: I am my own boss :)
But the internet speed is at my home faster then at my shop (should be, and pay more for it).
Is this issue just a matter of internet-speed? Strange than that it appears with the last update, and seems I am not the only one.
Hello Jan,
Could you please check the settings you use for the 2 different internet connections on the computer to see if there are different settings used and in case use the same home you use for the work connection?
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio,
I give up.... I will just start websitex5 at home in fly-mode, after started I turn fly-mode off.
Thx anyway.
Elisa B.
Dobrý den, Jan,
děkuji za vaši zprávu, omlouvám se za zpoždění v mé odpovědi.
Prosím, zkuste a restartování počítače, vypněte všechny programy běžící na pozadí, takže mají jen WebSite X5 chod. Spusťte program jako administrátor a zkuste následující postup:
- Otevřete okna start menu nebo stiskněte klávesa Windows + R a hledat cmd.exe a spusťte jej.
- V příkazového řádku zadejte následující příkaz:
lodctr / R
- Stiskněte Enter
Prosím, dejte mi vědět, jestli vám to pomohlo. S přátelským pozdravem.
I carried and appeared the following message.David
Error: Unable to rebuild performance counter setting from system backup store, error code is 5
Hello David S.,
If you receive error 5 this means you need to run cmd.exe as administrator with the right click option and then enter the command again.
Many thanks!
***** Google Translation:
Dobrý den, David S.,
Pokud se zobrazíchyba5toznamená, že musítespustitcmd.exejako správces možnostípravým tlačítkem myšia pak znovuzadejte příkaz.
Mnohokrát děkuji!
I tried also lodctr /r command and run it as administrator, still same problem. Like I said before, best is to start Website X5 with computer in fly-mode or without the internet-connection, and after start the Website X5 turn fly-mode off or internet on. I will wait for the update which will solve this problem.
Překladač Google I wanted to ask if working to rectify and will revive projects stored.
Take a look to
Same problem.
To help Incomedia tell them: IP-adress and provider name
Hello Jan,
Thank you for the information. Could you please also test with this internet connection if the objects in step 4 can be installed/updated?
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio,
I cannot install / updates object in step 4 ( Programm stills tries to download/update object, its hanging, then I turn on fly-mode and get message: There cannot be getting contact with the server).
Hello Jan,
Thank you for the test. Could you please test if it works to install or update the objects on the work internet connection?
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio,
On the work internet everything works fine. ( how can I compare the internet seetings between home and work?). I am not good at tcp/internetsettinge etc.
Jan, are you perhaps running a firewall (maybe as part of your anti-virus suite)? If so, can you communicate with Incomedia servers if you temporarily disable it when at home?
I had this problem until today. Kaspersky Total Security and MalwareByte Premium are installed on my computer. After having changed settings (disabling firewall, or bannerblocker) of the Kaspersky Firewall without any progress, I manually added WebSiteX5.exe to the protected applications of MalwareByte. It's Ok now and WebSiteX5 starts as before.
Hope that it will help,
I did the same ( I have Eset Smart Security). Till now it seems to work.
Thank you Esahc and Martine.
Great result :-)