Mode Adaptatif + Export 
Autor: Renard J.
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With WX5 pro 13:
1) I have some problems when I reduce the screen size:
When I reduce the size:
The title added to the banner is duplicated....
The right Box does'nt display the full text
I reduce the size:
Text ok in the right box but still the problem with the title text.
2) Exporting the web site on the web server:
Sometime wx5 says that the export is not completed and ask if we want to abort.
I can continue by selecting the plan menu or ...
Have you an idea for those two problems (perhaps are you already working on) ?
Thank you
JF Renard
Gepostet am
More information about the export:
Press Non
J'ai le même problème avec mon site si je rapetisse la fenêtre le titre qui est formé d'images dans la partie en-tête du modèle.
Hello Renard,
Please check in the header and footer content section in step 2 if the object in the lower breakpoints, which can be selected on the left, are outside the header area and in case set it back in the correct position and then test it again.
You can also resize it in the lower breakpoints.
About the export can you please test if you close and open again the project if then you receive the same message?
Many thanks!
Hello Claudio,
I have created a new one background image which contains all the elements.

With this manipulation my problem is solved.
Without this manipulation the solution, as you said, was to go the breakpoint section to minimize the problematic image to the smallest size (invisible)
<<< About the export can you please test if you close and open again the project if then you receive the same message?>>>
I have already closed and opened the project.
But I don't have the problem each time I export the site. As it's not a big issue and as my "first" problem is solved I will close this subject.
Thank you for your answer