Shopping Cart 
Autor: Bjorn Andreassen
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Shopping does not work!! Can't add product to Cart. Also problems with VAT.
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The problem seems to be related to the manual inclusion of the jQuery library, WebSite X5 includes automaticaly jQuery.
In order to solve the problem you'll have to remove the inclusion you entered manualy:
<script type="text/javascript" src="files/jquery-1.4.4.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var $jq = jQuery.noConflict();
$jq(document).ready( function() {
if((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i))) {
$jq("#imMnMn ul li a").click( function(){
// The hover event if fired wen an empty click-function
// is linked to the menu link... This is VERY strange,
// but it seems to work!
} );
} );
I still have problems with VAT. It's included no matter what I choose of settings.
I have the same problem with a large webshop, created in V8.
After the convertion to V9, products cant be put in the cart no more by clicking on the cart. I noticed that after the convertion, the link to the shopping cart was no longer set. But even if I make that link manually, the cart still does not function.
Here I added the shopping cart manually but still no way to put things in the cart??
The tip:" you'll have to remove the inclusion " I dont know where to do that?
Can someone help me?
Hmmmm....this does not seem to be my problem ( I mean the code ) I know see that is was inserted manually by the user idea what causes the shopping cart ( after the convertion to V9 ) not to function.
Very bad situation again, because it concernes a client, an already working shop online, that now can't be updated with V9..??????
I found out today, that the old payment script ( ideal payments ) which worked fine in V8, now blocks the shopping cart. I removed this script and replaced it with a new script. Shopping cart works fine now!
As far as I am concerned this topic can be closed.
In the shpping cart steps, the items go over the footer of the site..
How can this be fixed?
In the shopping cart steps, the items go over the footer of the site..
see image enclosed
How can this be fixed?
huh? my attachement is not visible...??
Hi, could you please retry to attach the image? Maybe is too big.
Dear Friend,
Do you mean there is a working Ideal-script (Dutch payment system) voor Ev9 version. Can you please give me a link or send me a zip-file.
Thanks in advance.
Hello Akhiel,
For Rabobank I have it working with a minor adjustment to the res/x5cartengine.js script. If I can find out where to set the format.multiplier variable it should even be possible to get iDeal working without any changes to the engine.
For questions, please PM
Hi, I try to upload the attachement again.
It's not big only 78 KB and Jpg
Hehe using Firefox instead of IE seems to make a big difference.
Now you can see what happens in the end of the shopping cart, the content is placed over the footer items. The footer should go down and stay visible.
For those interested in Ideal payments Netherlands, I payed a programmer to make a script aspecially for website x5 and it works just fine! ( Mollie )
see test webshop with this ideal working ( you can abort after choosing your bank.
This works with Mollie payments, which is easier then having a script for every bank seperately. I also had website x5 working with ABN AMRO and RABO but aspecially the last one is not easy to set up. Payed a programmer to make a script for RABO too.
But ( other then Abn and Mollie ) even then the RABO technique is difficult and still needs a lot of adjusting of website x5 scripts itself and testing on front and back ends.
Does anyone has a working script for ING iDEAL payment system? Thanks in advanced.
We are very experienced implementing ideal payments. A lot of the scripts in the payment systems wont work well in websitex5 (javascript is limited supported and the scripts of the banks are just rubbish ). The answer is different for every type of ideal and different for all the payment service providers, so some custom scripting is needed (most of the times). We already helped some websitex5 users, but the solution was different all the times. We can prob. help you out in just an hour, but we excactly need to know what the version of x5 and the version of ideal is. The basic, lite and easy ideal variants of ING, Rabobank, Regio Bank, SNS Bank, Triodos Bank of Van Lanschot Bankiers are quit easy (and cheap) to solve. Advanced and professional editons take more time to implement.
Please contact us for more information. (we helpen je graag :P ).
Lennart Poot
Seems like email addresses are not public available.. You will be served at . Send questions to: ideal.aansluiten at twing .nl .
What if you want your customers to stay at the shopping page, until they have choosen different things, can you do that??
Sorry but this behaviour cannot be set with WebSite X5 automaticaly.