Layour issues.....Help please 
Autor: Adam N.I've used X5 for years and I am generally happy. I have just bought the latest version (13) and I am encountering an issue I have had before wth layout. I want to have my site with a selection of images that are different in size. I want them to reamin the size that I have prepared them in Photoshop. When I prepare the layout with the cells it comes out completely wrong. I have an image which is three rows deep next to one that is 4 rows deep and they are the same size. The same with columns. If I leave a gap in a cell, X5 ignores it and puts the two images together when I actually WANTED a gap. It's so frustrating. Here's an image of what I am looking for. I don't want to use a table because I am using layover settings which I like. I would appreciate any suggestions or answers. Thanks to one and all.
The gaps are different in v13. But if you want gabs use the inner and outer margins in the object style. That is better then empty objects, these need to be avoided if possible.
Also there are a few nice objects to show pictures in several ways in the objects list (top right manage -> refresh)
Hope this helps.
In other words - pay for it - after I just paid for the software. So the software, as far as I can see is not very dfferent to 12 other than the look of it. Most of the new "features" have to be paid for. Not impressed.
Sorry Adam, I am trying to help you here, this is not a fair answer and not what I mean, it was just a tip to help you out.
Again, for gabs use the inner and outer margins this is way better. (this counts for v12 as well)
And for V13 most importand items are way better responsive functionality, also there is the effect items and the row formats where you are able to make a very proffesional website with. There are throughout v13 more options that you will encouter in time.
And yes there are some items you need to pay for, but there are also extra items for free, and you could see them as extra or as a bonus.
Dear Adam,
thank you for having contacted us.
Please try to follow the suggestion Andre has kindly suggested you, i.e. working with the inner and outer margins from Step 4- Pages> Object Style
Please keep us informed about the result: if you need further help I am at your disposal. Kind regards