Site contendo pizza com dois sabores 
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Estou fazendo um site de uma pizzaria e gostaria de saber como colocar pasta suspensa para tamanhos variados e também a opção de pizza com dois sabores.
Na lista de produtos aparece a foto, o sabor, uma opção para o cliente escolher o tamanho da pizza e fazer o pedido.
Caso sejam dois sabores (metade calabresa e metade presunto), como faço para aparecer essa divisão no pedido, dividindo também o preço?
Desde já, agradeço a ajuda
Gepostet am
Dear Claudio,
thank you for your e-mail.
Unfortunately if is not possible to achieve the result you wish to with the version you own. You could partially achieve it with WebSite X5 Professional 13: this version allows the creation of multiple options and sub-options, with different prices.
I kindly suggest you to try the demo version in order to udnerstand if the program can fulfill your needs:
Please let me know if I can help you further. Kind regards.
Prezada Elisa
Obrigado pela atenção.
E se eu utilizasse banco de dados?
Se for o caso eu faço um upgrade para uma versão 13 do evolution.
Excuse me.I wrote in Portuguese.
Follow the English version
Dear Elisa
Thanks for listening.
What if I used the database?
If so, I upgrade to version 13 of evolution.
Dear Claudio,
unfortunately that would not help, because WebSite X5 Evolution 13 does not give the possibility of setting main options and sub-options, too. Only the Professional version has this function. Please note that even embedding the database, you would still have the possibility of choosing one main option and one sub option only. You can do some tests with the demo version if you'd like to.
Please let me know if I can be of further help. Kind regards.