With desktop Menu in hide modus the little mobile menu disappears as well 
Autor: Florian Lahl
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with change from 12pro to 13pro the abillity to hide the desktop menu buttons in desktop view of the website but show the small 2 strokes mobile menu in responsive mobile websites disappeared. now you can have only both menus shown or both menus hide. is there any solution for this?
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Florian, this does not sound correct. You can have either the "toaster" menu or the full menu buttons, but not both. Can you provide a screenshot of the issue, or better still, a link to your site on the web?
Did you solve this issue?
It occured to me you may be referring to not being able to see any menu's when you scroll down the screen. If this is the case, go to step 2 Template, customisation, Page Scroll Options, and tick the box "keep always visible" (top left).
hey esahc, i still got this problem. purpose is that i want to have a totally own made menu in desktop view with icons. i can have this when i completly block the folder as a menu. when i do this i dont have a hamburger menu as well in reponsive view. at the moment i have my own menu and the hamburger menu in the desktop view and hamburger only in responsive views.
link to the site is http://nawi.bplaced.net/
when i use scroll menu it is shown in the desktop view as well, not only in responsive views and blocking the view to my own made menu
version pro 12 did it just fine. i got this problem only after using pro 13
Florian, it looks like you placed your menu icons in the header. If so, have you setup the header for each individual resolution? (template, customisation, header and footer content, then select resolutions on the left)
And when I scroll down, there is no menu at all. Did you set template, customisation, page scroll options, keep always visible (as suggested above)?
actually i put my own menu in the header. i dont use the scroll menu beacuse i cant customize it. i can put a logo and the hamburger menu icon in it. thats it. maybe i do everythig the wrong way. only thing i want is see my header with my menu icons in website view and hamburger menu icon in smartphone view.
actually i did the whole thing because i didnt find a setting to hide the original menu buttons in the header when you use the original preset menu. so i looked for a option to turn off the original menu in website view. if you disable the menu by make the layers or site invisible you loose the hamburger menu icon as well. so i came up with this solution.
Florian, unfortunately there is no option to scroll the header in WX5 (which is where I suspect you are placing your "menu"), but have you played with Optional Content, html code in template, customisation, main menu, general?
It is beyond my abilities, but it may let you embed your menu icons in the actual menu bar.
Perhaps others have done something like this and can assist?