Automatic drop down menu on mouse over 
Autor: Anton M.
Besucht 2021,
Followers 1,
Geteilt 0
Hello everybody.
By default drop down menu opens by click. But is there any chance for it to drop down automatically by mouse over?
Gepostet am
The pulldown does start with a mouse over. try to refresh your page with F5, is you browser uup to date? else update, try else another browser.
No, it does not work neither in WebsiteX5 Preview, nor in Chrome or in Firefox.
Maybe because I use Vertical Accoredion drop menu structure within menu located on the left?
Please check the screenshot
It should work as well, can you give me a website adress?
Is it possible that there is some custum coding that interferes, please check else a brand new project for test.
Hello Anton,
If you set vertical accordion then it opens only if you click on it. With the other 2 options it opens with mouse over.
Many thanks!