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Jon C.
Jon C.

Database for restricted access to a lock page  en

Autor: Jon C.
Besucht 3052, Followers 2, Geteilt 0  

I have a list of users that will be allocated a User Name and Password - stored and updated in a database.
How do I link this database to allow access to a restriced page?

I see that I can add users to the Access Management page but can not see anyway to link to a database.
Users will be added and granted access when they purchase our software update (outside of website)

It would be nice to be able to update / add a user to the database without the need to update and upload the website.

Is this possible?

Thank you in advance.


Gepostet am
Elisa B.

Hi Jon, 

thank you for contacting us. 

If you want to have your users to first register to your website, then purchase and only after that having access to some parts of the website, you should use the Manual Registration. In this way, the user would send you the request to register to your website, and only after having purchased you would give him access to the restricted areas. Specifically:

  • Create two Member groups on Step 1 - Settings > Advanced >Access Management, one for those who have only regitered (Group A), one for those who have already purchased (Group B).
  • Set a page as locked and create a login and registration page (you can follow these steps
  • Once your receive a registration request e-mail, create a new member in the Group A, let's call him User 1
  • Have them place an order
  • Once you receive the User 1's payment, move them from Group A to Group B (Step 1, Access Management) 
  • On Step 3 Click on the Locked Page icon and enable User 1

The data concerning the Users are stored on the Database if you embed one. Please let me know if you need further help. 

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Gepostet am von Elisa B.
Jon C.
Jon C.

Good day Elisa,

Thank you for your reply.

Maybe I should go into further detail, we sell computer software and do not use a web site for the transaction. Our users that will be accessing the locked download page are exising users.

So once the user has paid for the software upgrade we will provde them access to the lock page so they can download the updated software. Sure I understand that I can add them to the users group.

What I was wanting to know is how can I connect a database to a users group so each time another user needs to be added to a group I do not need to upload the website again. Just add a single entry into a database.  Also if this is possible what type of database can be used? You say embed one (database) how is this done?

It maybe easier in the long run to just use a common password for all users as we have other security to limit use of the software.

Thank you


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Gepostet am von Jon C.
Elisa B.

Dear Jon, 

I got your point, but unfortunately this is not possible with WebSite X5. The only way to proceed is the one I have described, so you will have to use the program in order to add the user in order to give him the possibility of having access to the locked page and then export the website again. 

Please let me know if I can be of any help. Kind regards.

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Gepostet am von Elisa B.