Autor: John P.Hey, a follow up to my convertionproblem in october ( i couldn't continue using the same post). So now i tried converting to version 14 again, this time on a new pc, but it didn't work this time either. The same thing happened, only with the message "An error occured while loading the project (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)". Loading the project in version 13 into the new pc worked straight away (of course taking like two hours, but it worked).
When do you think you'll have a fix for the problem? It's not so good having paid for a program that isn't working. Do you think it'll work for intance if converting it into the pro-version V14?
My project takes up 3,4 GB of my webhotel, but is 25 GB in your program (due of course to the program making copies of all the photos in 100 % size).
Convertionproblem Author: John P.Visited 34, Followers 1, Shared 0 Tags: convertionproblem,website x5 evolution 14
Hey. So i'm trying to convert my website from v13 to v14. After having imported it (which takes around two hours), i then try to open it. But each time it just freezes on "Intializing Project files" and nothing more happens. I tried it on two different pc's, and the same thing happens. Even let it stand on overnight, but the same result. So i need a fix to this :-)
Attachment: Skjermbilde 2017-10-17 20.41.png
Posted on the 10/19/2017 06:16:514 ANSWERS
Hello John P.,
Can you please send me the project IWZIP file so I can verify on what it depends?
You can use the function on to generate a link and then write me here the link so I can download it.
I've set the post as private so only we can read the content.
Many thanks!
Posted on the 10/19/2017 10:41:42 from Claudio D.John P.User
Hello. Wetransfer has a 2GB-limit, my iwzipfile is 25GB. But i have it on Dropbox:
Posted on the 10/20/2017 21:23:39 from John P.Claudio D.Incomedia
Hello John,
Unfortunately the file is too big to download it.
Can you please check if in the project in Version 13 do you have empty cells in the row and columns and in case remove them to leave only the necessary cells?
In any case the developers are working on it.
Many thanks!
Posted on the 10/23/2017 09:29:04 from Claudio D.John P.User
Hey, ok - will be waiting for a fix then. I didn't quite understand what you ment with "empty cells in the row and columns" and where i can look at that in the program.
Hello John,
Have you verified if in the project there are empty cells and in case to remove them and export it again from Version 13?
Try also to install the latest update of Version 14 and then test the project where you remove the unused cells.
Please keep me updated.
Hello, where can there be empty cells, i don't understand? In the title of the project?
Empty cells - can you point us to the original post so we don't offer repeat advise that has been tried and failed (eg rename as zip, export, rezip and rename)
Now i've finally had the time to try your solution. It did the trick, and i can now use it in V14. Had around 5 underpages with empty cells in it. I have more questions, regarding limiting the size of the project, but i can start another post for them.