Help to convert to iwzip 
Autor: Andre van Tonder
Besucht 2058,
Followers 1,
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Please could someone help to convert a iwp file which cannot open on a new version of program. i have no way of editing my website because i no longer have the very old version. i have version 8 and 13, and just need some way to get my iwp file converted to open. please could someone help me.
Gepostet am
Can we see the iwp file ? upload
Hi Andrè, try asking an incomedia moderator, usually helping someone convert from version 8
Andre, having looked at your website (very nice & I like the music), why not simply start a new project in V14?
You could create ( or use an existing) template to meet your needs, or if necessary use a program like filezilla (free) and retrieve template components (in the res directory), images, etc.
Most of your content can be copied and pasted from the live website directly into WX5
Then you could make full use of the row/formats option (step 4) to place movies and slideshows behind your page content.
The advantage would be a cleaner, faster site without the baggage of "antiquated" code carried across from V8 procedures.
Since you are using the PRO version, please make copious use of the backup option (down arrow next to save), and make the occasional iwzip file (step5 Export) for use in case of catastrophe.
Good luck whichever way you choose to proceed.;