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Borge H.
Borge H.

Where do I find .iwzip files  en

Autor: Borge H.
Besucht 1855, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

When I start the X5 Optimizer I'm asked for a .iwzip file.

Where do I find that. Can't find any in my project.

Hope for a little help.


Gepostet am
Georg V.
Georg V.

You can save the iwzip anywhere you want in your WS X5 under 5-Export -> Export the Project.

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Gepostet am von Georg V.
Borge H.
Borge H.

Thanks Georg V.

But I don't know what a .iwzip file is. I've never seen one and

it sure isn't in my X5 project. So what am I going to do when

the optimiser asks for the .iwzip file?? Please see attachment!

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Gepostet am von Borge H.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Borge, as Georg stated. Open your project in WX5 as normal, go to step 5 Export, select Export the project. You can accept the default or browse to where you would like to store it.

Once complete, open optimizer and browse to where you chose to save the iwzip file, when complete, optimizer will save the optimised iwzip in the same place or wherever you choose.

If you have multiple projects it is highly recommended you create an iwzip of each one. This is the only way to reliably upgrade from one version to another, and it is the only totally bullet proof method of guaranteeing you have a full backup of your project in case of catastrophe, for this reason many users store the iwzip files on removable media.

You have versions 9 - 15, how have you managed updates without using the exported iwzip file?

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Gepostet am von Esahc ..
Borge H.
Borge H.

Ok thanks Esahc for telling me what .iwzip files are and where to find them!

As to the updates, i'm not sure what you mean. I just click update ;-)

But thanks for the your explanation !


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Gepostet am von Borge H.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Borge, if you ever upgrade to a new version (eg v14 to v15) the only reliable way to do it is export the project (create iwzip), then import the iwzip to the new version. Any other technique results in problems and corruption in the new version of the project (at least it has for me :-).

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Gepostet am von Esahc ..