Touch my on-screen phone number to dial my number from a smartphone 
Autor: Mike C.
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I'm designing a website especially for smartphones. I'd like to be able to have the person on the phone be able to touch my on-screen phone number and have it call my number. I found some info on your website and was wondering if I am understanding correctly. Will what I have done on my attachment work. I do not want this to trigger a skype call, but rather just a normal phone call.
Many thanks!
Gepostet am
Mike, I don't think the rules have changed since Andre made this post.
As for skype or phone call, this is dependent on the preferred dialer set on the users phone.
Use this code
Click to call code
<a href="tel:+1-303-499-7111">+1(303)499-7111</a>
...or to assign the LINK, ... choose the
File or URL | Internet file option and type in the URL address that gives its position on the Internet; for example:
tel: +440123456789 (+44 x en)
... or use the TAG <A> in Object HTML Code; for example:
<a style="font-size:22px;text-decoration:none;color:blue" href="tel:9876543210">Click Here To Call Support 987 654 3210</a>
(IT) - Per assegnare il COLLEGAMENTO, ... scegliere l'opzione File o URL | File su Internet e digitare l'indirizzo (URL) che ne identifica la posizione in rete; per esempio: tel:+390123456789
... oppure usi il TAG <A> in Oggetto Codice HTML; per esempio:
<a style="font-size:22px;text-decoration:none;color:blue" href="tel:9876543210">Click Here To Call Support 987 654 3210</a>
Sorry guys, just so I'm clear, is what I attached correct? Also Peter and KolAsim, where would I enter this HTML coding?
Thanks again, Mike
>> The Link window
File or URL | Internet file option and type in the URL address that gives its position on the Internet; for example: tel:+440123456789
Thanks KolAsim, it looks like there is a space between "tel:" and "+440..." is that correct?
I'm sorry, no! ... I corrected, thanks.
tel:+440123456789 ... +44 x EN
tel:+390123456789 ... +39 x IT ... ... etc.
(IT) - ciao