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Luca F.
Luca F.

Connection to server  en

Autor: Luca F.
Besucht 2153, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

it appears after upgrade some more problem, this time i get this message, unable to connect to server, see jpg

Gepostet am
Andre E
Andre E

Try to make the destination folder empty in step 5, if you can connect select the uppload folder manualy, x5 will ask then to set the folder say yes.

Check also if  webadres in step 1 is still correct, there where some changing in checking these settings in the latest version.

Hope this helps.

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Luca F.
Luca F.

destination folder is empty or better show only / - how to upload folder manualy- address is correct

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Gepostet am von Luca F.
Stefano G.

Hi Luca.

First of all, in order to determine whether this could be a server issue rather than a software's issue, try and upload the website on a different, free and temporary hosting. See if it can be uploaded there.

If it can, something is surely wrong in the hosting's configuration.

If it can't, get back to me here so that we can investigate this further

Keep me posted


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Gepostet am von Stefano G.
Andre E
Andre E

Manually can be done if you can connect with an empty destination folder.

If you still can not connect, even with empty destination folder, then eather on the server side there is something wrong (not very likely but it occurs, youre hosting company should inform you)

Or the password / ftp adress is wrong. (check with provider or ask a new one from provider)

try to connect wit a different ftp progrom, like filezilla, or try as Stefano suggested another hosting if you have it to connect with F5,

With these things you can better narrow down the problem.

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Luca F.
Luca F.

still the same message, but I can connect with FTP Global scape -and today X5 did not respond 3 times, at last working but stil not able to connect, I have to use external FTP

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Gepostet am von Luca F.
Andre E
Andre E

Are you realy sure all data in x5 is correct for connection? Maybe check with a new project just for test to see if x5 connects.

Check also if there is a firewall of virus scanner blocking connection?

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Luca F.
Luca F.

yes the data are correct the same i use for FTP , i have tried without firewall, same result - The same with 4 different project and two different provider

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Gepostet am von Luca F.
Andre E
Andre E

That's strange and a different pc?

The global scape still works?

Did you copy past information for ftp server in x5? Try to empty all fields and add content by hand and see if that helps.

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Luca F.
Luca F.

no I have only one PC, FTP working.The good news, now  X5 is working...

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Gepostet am von Luca F.
Andre E
Andre E

Great that it works again, maybe it it was by different issues that is always hard to solve.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback!

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Gepostet am von Andre E