No results by searching info in blog and guestbook 
Autor: Quodbach H.
Besucht 2112,
Followers 1,
Geteilt 0
In your intructions i read: Blog: all the pages in the blog are included in the search, which analyzes the title, author, category, tag, brief description and the contents of each post.
On my site the engine does not search in the content of the comments added by the visitors in the blog and guestbook. Why not (this is very important for me)? How can i make it possible?
Gepostet am
Hi Quodbach,
Most surely so. As it is not mentioned in the documentation, I can also confirm that the comments are not part of what the engines can search through when using the search engine.
If you're interested in this feature, I would probably suggest you open a new idea topic for it, so that the Staff can examine the matter and discuss it later on
Thank you for your feedback