Conversion Problem V12 to V16 
Autor: Mikel R.
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I upgraded V12 to V16. I'm trying to open a project done wie V12 and X5 tells me it will be converted automatically. I accept and after two seconds it errors with:
Error loading the project
Exception of type "" has occured
Whats wrong?
According to the description of V16 it should work automatically.
I'm using W7 Professional 64bit.
Best Regards
Gepostet am
Haben Sie in v16 alle Objekte aktualisiert und instaliet, die Sie auch in v12 verwendet haben.
Vermutlich fehlen Projekte in v16. Öffnen Sie vorübergehend ein neues Projekt in v16 und prüfen Sie in der Objektverwaltung die Objekte!
WX5 cannot reliably open a v12 project.
The v12 project must be exported (step5 export) to create an iwzip file. This iwzip file can then be imported (and upgraded) in v16.
If you are doing this but v16 cannot read the iwzip file, can the v12 iwzip file be imported into v12 (this will not overwrite your existing project)?
Please advise.
It seems space problems on the drive was the problem. After resolving the space problem the import went through.
Thank you.