Is there a summarization of how to edit a full template with straight instructions? 
Autor: Stefan PechoThe Guide is actually not about how to make a website using Website X5 but about what everything is in the Website X5. Thus, it is not friendly usable for straightforward website creation. Is there any summarization of instruction how to make a website using the full template to create the website quickly and without complicated unnecessary information? I think the Website X5 should create some manuals how to make the website in a manner the XSitePro created. Even when I input in search the full tamplate, there is no chance to select a systemic information because the information is dissolvet into the general technical details of the program. Please, let me know, where I can find a systemic information how to edit full template based websites. Thank you.
Hello Stefan,
There are two useful videos on Incomedia's YouTube Channel. May be these will help you
Here are some guides from Incomedia
Start designing your website. It's easy to create a website with Incomedia. If you find any problem or want to know about any features during your creation, feel free to post your problem on Incomedia's help centre. We are always there to help you
Thank you
Hello Ani,
Thank you for your prompt answer. I appreciate it. You encouraged me to jump into the editing of the full tamplate I bought using my opportunity to place my questions on the way.
Remark: Unfortunately, the Guide is really not applicable for the practical work. That was the reason I expressed my concern.
Thank you and other users for understanding and patient supporting me.
Hello Stefan,
It's always a pleasure for us to help each other. When I started with Website X5, I was not completed with it. You have to explore and discover Website X5's features by creating projects by yourself. I have learned a lot from Website X5 Help Centre. When you will be familiar with Website X5, you will be able to answer other questions or ideas.
Enjoy your Website X5 and always feel free to keep posting of your problems with X5. We will be happy to help you
Thank you
Hi Stefan,
if you have any specific question about how to reach a certain result, please feel free to get back here, I will be happy to provide you with the needed information.
Thanks! Kind regards.
Dear Elisa.
Allow me to come back to my original (first) post about the change of the pictutre in the Adam Writer full template.
Thanks to your instruction I changed the picture (see the attachment01).
However, when I changed the the second one picture on the same About Adam page - see the original one (attachment02), the background in the raw was changed (attachment03), namely it is the background by my photo (attachment1).
My intention is:
To change only the photo of the Adam Writer and having it as the photo without any background, or, by other words, not having that photo as a background behind the row with the second background but as a dolo photo in that row.
My secong question is: Can I change the size of my new photo which replaced the Adam Writer photo directly in the Webiste X5 program?
Thank you for your kind help.
Dear Elisa,
I continue with the upper text.
I changed in the Row Formats the backgroung from photo to color.
And inserted ito the raw manually the Text and Photo sections. in this row it is ok.
However, in the below raw (area of upper Attachment 02), the "old" background which does not exist any more, remains the same,
it means, my photo is yet used as the background see the Attachment 1.
The next question:
I changed in the Map the names of the pages. Why were they not automatically changed also in the footbar menu?
Please, help me.
Thank you,
Hi Stefan,
so did you solve the first issue you mentioned?
If I got it correctly, you do not want the background picture to be displayed where originally the picture of the guy with the sunglasses was. Have you removed your picture from the Row Formats? If you did, please press CTRL+preview to regenerate the preview.
As to the map, please create a new topic with more information about the issue, where we can individually manage it: otherwise the risk is to create confusion here.
Thank you in advance! Kind regards.
Thank you Elisa, the Crtl+Preview worked.
I will place a separate topic about my request concerning the navigation menu.
Thank you for your kind support.