E-commerce And Tax 
Autor: Barry Maloney
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I intend to purchase websitex5 but have a couple of question in relation to the shopping cart as I find my current cart is not user friendly As I am in Australia can I change the default from VAT to GST. Also I have my own SSL so is the code provided to send the order by email so I can process the order without using a third party gateway. If the answers are yes then I will purchase you product
Gepostet am
In V9, you can edit the label of the VAT field and change it from VAT to GST. You can set the value of that tax, too. You can assign a tax value for all your products or set the tax value for each of them one by one, if you wish.
Of course. you can also select the currency you need to reflect your situation so you can change the default Euro currency for the Australian dollar.
Regarding your second question: The shopping cart in V9 has a built-in email process. Both the buyer and the seller will receive emails about a transaction. I dont know if it's what you're referring to or if you need something more than that. Maybe Incomedia can complement my answer.
Thank you for your reply. it looks as if I will be migrating to websitex5.
The second part of you question makes sence. it send emails regardles of the gateway.
Thank you
I think your answer is perfect B.! Thank you!
Do you have any more doubts Barry?
I hope not, I just purchased WebSiteX5
I have been able to change VAT to GST in V8 via the ini file.
I can't see how to do it in V9.
Quote from above....."In V9, you can edit the label of the VAT field and change it from VAT to GST. " How do you do this??
I don't believe that you can change the word from VET to GST in the cart options. It can only be changed in the customer details section. But this does not change the wording in Step 2 - Shipping and payment choice section of the cart without going to the code.
I hope that someone will show me that I am wrong.
Hi John!
In STEP 1 - General Settings, amongst the ''Basic'' information, you will find the ''Content Language''. By opening this you will find all the language files. You can select the word/words you wish to change and modify them according to your needs.
Thank you for proving me wrong. Now I have the information to do what I need. That icon does not really reflect the massive amount is information and facilities it really represents. I will look behind every thing from now on, Thank you.
John, now we can stuff every thing up with this information
Hi Guys, Really appreicate the help.
Samantha that was brilliant. It works. It's good to know I can alter other stuff in there - like Barry says - it opens up a new window of facilities.
Cheers John
Glad I managed to help!
Have fun guys!
Great post, thanks for this as I had the same question and is well!! Thanks Samantha.