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Adrian E.
Adrian E.

X5 Pro v17.0.11 errors on site import  en

Autor: Adrian E.
Besucht 2001, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

Because I have been unable to get X5 Pro v11 to run under Windows 10, I installed v17.0.11 and then imported one of my sites for updating. The results are better than they were in v13, 14, and 15, but still unusable.

It may be there are options within the program to correct the errors it has created but I cannot find them. I have attached a PDF showing the main errors encountered so far.

Any suggestions will be appreciated. :)

Gepostet am
Andre E
Andre E


You probably have mork work to do then what you write to convert.

First of all here are the conversions tools from Incomedia, going from v11 to v17 is a big step.

The 3d buttons are no more. but you gained a lot more menu options instead.

To get one line in the menu, goto the menu object (wich now can be used all over the website pages/places)

In the main tab Set spacing to 0, this creates at least 1 line in your menu.

I am not sure what how you created the shop effect but I think you need to check the shop object, then select settings TAB, try playing with the cover and content margins, further down there is a pulldown for all seperate elements setting an element gives you for this element also several options.

If you dont use the responsive designs then that is it, but if you use v17 it's better to use the responsive mode, Step2 template settings, the resolution and responsive design.

If set to on you neet to adjust 4 templates (for every viewport 1 this way you can show your website in several screen seizes is seperate ways (smaller sizes for instance with less info so all will stay good to view)

Anyway in the template structure you will find 4 colours on the left these are the viewports, you can find them also in the preview.

same for template content.

Hope this helps a bit, it worth the change but it's a bit work at first and some options are not there anymaore, but way more have been added for better viewing.

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Adrian E.
Adrian E.

Hi Andre,

I can see no 'Places' option under the Pages tab.
I did however find the navbar under Template/Menu Object/Template Settings/Template Content but the main tab spacing is already set to 0. The navbar's background colour is transparent and yet in preview mode you see it as white.

The footer has been altered so that the text objects are unreadable and the search field has been sliced (see attached screenshot).

I don't understand what you mean by 'shop object' but I think you mean the PayPal BuyNow buttons. These have images I created and PayPal provides the HTML code for each button. This has been added to the site using a table. I have attached a sample of one of the PayPal buttons so you can see the code structure. You will note the price image comes immediately after the form ends with no added spacing. Within X5, all table row heights are set to 0 for minimum height. Online, with the site created in X5 v11, it works perfectly but for reasons unknown to me, in v17 it places a huge space between the price and each corresponding button.

I tested the responsive mode but that kills the site, especially at smartphone resolution. More than 80% of my sales are from smartphones, according to PayPal, so the old site must be usable on them. Indeed, on both my smartphone and tablet, the site display is acceptable.

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Gepostet am von Adrian E.
Andre E
Andre E

Set the alignment also to top or bottom so that the elemnts are closest to each other, take also care about outer but also inner margin (set to 0)

If you don't use the shop option / object then forget the remark. It is difficult to judge how a site is made from pictures, there can be more way's it makes it harder to give good help.

You can change the height for every viewport viewer (the 4 colours) in template structure.

In template content, select the footer TAB, then make the object if it is too small bigger (higher), be aware to stay inside the footer size (everything must be within the white grey block area) Check here also all 4 viewports!

Again if the space is not enough especialy in the smaller viewports you can choose the set another smaller object or skip the less importand objects, so that it is viewed and can be read nicely for every device.

sorry this is clearer: For the menu:

To get one line in the menu, goto the menu object, in the Main TAB Set spacing to 0, this creates at least 1 line in your menu.

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Adrian E.
Adrian E.

I set all margins to 0.
It is not possible to change the viewport settings under Template Structure. The 4 colours are not present.
In Template Content / Footer, changing the height simply moves the footer further away from the main page. It doesn't provide more space for the objects within the footer, all of which look normal and perfectly spaced ... until you preview the site. Again, the 4 viewports cannot be viewed. I am guessing this is because this site is a desktop site, NOT a responsive site.
Finally, the menu object cannot be altered as you are suggesting either and now I am convinced it is because you are talking from a responsive site point of view whereas this site is not a responsive site.

Andre, please understand that I want to continue using the site as it was created in X5 v11. I know I really should rebuild it from scratch as a responsive site but I do not have the time for that and the existing site appears to be making most of its sales via smartphones. At least, that's what PayPal's stats show me.

I really do not understand why everything is being cut in half in the footer. In raw project mode everything looks correct but in preview mode it all falls apart and that includes viewing it as a desktop site in all 4 browsers. Screenshots attached.

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Gepostet am von Adrian E.
Aleksey K.
Aleksey K.

if I were you, I would create everything anew ... too much difference between 11 and 17 ... you will spend more time solving problems .....

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Gepostet am von Aleksey K.
Andre E
Andre E

You can set responsive off. step2 template -> resolution and responsive design.

And I am not giving up, this can be made to work. if needed send me the project. But if you set the object a bit bigger or the text smaller it should be normaly visible and not in half.

Have you set responsive off? because then the colours will not work any more and you will get a normal site like v11. But with a way more modern engine. It will still be better then v11 this way.

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Adrian E.
Adrian E.

Yes Andre, responsive has been off from the beginning. That's why I didn't get most of the options you mentioned.

My aim is to get the same site I built in v11 and, as far as I can see, the only issues since importing it to v17 are those I have mentioned, i.e. the footer and spacing between PayPal buy buttons and their relevant prices.

I am happy to let you have a copy of the project if you want to attempt importing to v17 but I do not want to make the site publicly available.

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Gepostet am von Adrian E.
Andre E
Andre E

send me it by mail or make it accasible by a file exchange website if it is too big (10G by mail), send the link to my mail adres and i will gladly take a look at it. My mail is in my profile.


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Gepostet am von Andre E
Andre E
Andre E

THX Adrian,

I don't have much time so I had a very quick look.

your footer can be fixed by making the objects a little higher, it's precise work you can set the margins of your pixl steps in the footer, use working area button on top, set it to 5 instead of 10.

make all objects that are too small a little higher, the ones top right can be placed a little higher. it is not a problem if they are over eachother a bit. but always stay within the footer marhins (the white/grey blocked background)

For the shop you have a button on top called line height, with this you can reduce the height between code.

make the lines below as low as possible, this gaines a bit space, set it to single.

Unfortunatly due to the many changes from v11 you need fine tune some of these things, not all are 100% copy because the way they are shown have changed or there are extra options that makes small differences.

let me know if this has helped you, i have more time later this week if needed.

i think it is easyer to maintain if you use the text object for your shop. More tuning of pictures to get them correct but normally you need to this only once.

Anyway check first if the above helps.

Best Regards,

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Adrian E.
Adrian E.

Hi André,

Thanks for looking at the project.
I followed all your advice above but the results were not good. You can see exactly what I mean in the attached screenshot in which I have used red arrows to indicate anomalies after the changes were implemented. I have also added a couple of comments in red text.

To be honest, I have always found X5's behaviour to be similar to Microsoft's FrontPage 98 in that WYSIWYG should be renamed to WYSINNWYG (What You See Is Not Necessarily What You Get).

Incidentally, you suggested using the text object for the Buy Buttons but I must have them in a table or they will not align correctly.

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Gepostet am von Adrian E.
Adrian E.
Adrian E.

Whoops! The attachment wasn't accepted because it was over 1024 Kb.
So, I have uploaded the image to

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Gepostet am von Adrian E.
Andre E
Andre E

I will adjust the project and let you download it, give me some time.

At the moment I got it like this: (just did the first 2 as explained above;

Is that ok?

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Adrian E.
Adrian E.

The footer looks great! I'm most curious to see how you achieved that.

As for the Buy buttons, there is a huge space between the "Single Products" subtitle and the first button. Also, the space between the buttons and their relevant prices looks a little on the large side. This is what it should look like:

When I attempted it using the advice you gave me above, I managed to get most of them looking the same but some went crazy for no reason. After all, the HTML code is basically the same for each button so, if the cell and row heights are identical throughout the table, all buttons and prices should be on the same level. At least, that's the theory...

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Gepostet am von Adrian E.
Andre E
Andre E

I send you a mail with a small test in it and the way I changed things.

I also made a new test page with even better distances without getting crazy and easyer to maintain.

this was the smallest i was able to get, I hope it is as you wish.

The problems occurs due to the many changes from v11, the biggest one is the way templates are build up and handeld.

The problem wit space from your prices comes partly from the template, it needs a little bit more room in v17, but  becaus the width is fixed and that room is not there x5 start to make the objects a bit smaller because it needs to fit it in the fixed width. This creates a bit longer object and also a longer space between them.

Because the template is made in a way that everything is in exact size to eachother it is difficult to play with. The new designs makes this much easyer.

So if you have your site up and running copy the project and try with the copy a brand new template that comes in v17.

This will need fine tuning a lot! But you can set responsive, this gives you a better ranking with google and a better view on smaller screens (ipad's phones and so on)

Let me know if this has helped you.

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Gepostet am von Andre E