Application Doesn't Start 
Autor: X5 Croatia
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Everything is fine and i've menage to finish registration by unlock code but then this softvare blocks and send me back to resistration process again and again, again... I'm using xp 64 bit with fresh updated net framework's... Does anyone have the same problem? Help request fast...
Gepostet am
Hi. Did you ever get this fixed? I am having the same problem. Many thanks
We are working on this problem at the moment, therefore we need your cooperation to find a solution, please do the following:
Please let me know if you program works well after following this procedure and tell me where you find your ''licence.iwl'' file!
Thank you!
I ran the install program, and found the licence.iwl file in the folder c:\program files(x86)\Website X5 v9 - Evolution.
This is also the folder that the application was installed into
Hi. Forgot to add. The same problem occurs when I try to start the application by clicking on the "WebsiteX5.exe" file in the folder. Thanks
Any update on this?
Good morning. Do you have any update on this? If not, could you please advise and I will remove altogether, and try and get my money back
Kindest regards
Good morning Josephine!
Only a few users have had this problem in this last period therefore we are working on it at the moment to try and solve it as soon as possible. For this reason, if you will be so kind to cooperate with us as you have kindly done up until now it would be great! We need to have all the info you can give us in order to solve the problem in the next update.
Could you please tell me if the licence.iwl file is 0 kb or more?
Thank you so much!
This is 710 bytes in size (or size on disk is 4kb)
Hi Josephine,
thank you!
I have passed all the information on to our technical team and will update you as soon as I have news from them.
Hi Samantha
Many thanks
Kindest regards
Hi Samantha
Do you have any update on this problem? I need to start working on a site for my local school, and if this can not be fixed I need to know, so that I can find an alternative product to help me get started.
Can you please advise if there is any update?
Hi. At this stage (eight days after purchasing your product), and with only three responses to my queries, I am starting to think that perhaps your product is not the correct one for me to be using. Unfortunately, if I dont have a resolution by Weds evening (09 November) I shall have to ask for my credit card to be reimbursed, and I shall look at another product
Hi Josephine! I'm really sorry to keep you waiting, I understand you need to work. Unfortunately as I said above this problem has happened only to a couple of users, therefore we are still trying to find a solution. Could you please kindly send me your ''Licence.iwl'' file? I will check it for you and help you install manually.
Could you, if possible, try to install on another computer meanwhile?
We will refund you if we can not manage to install manually, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience!
Thank you so much for your patience!
hi Samantha
How can I send the file to you? It doesnt allow me post it here
Unfortunately I onl have this computer to install it on. We are a small school in Ireland and this is the computer in the main office
i have just byed and downloaded template pack 901, but when i'm trying to install, it answer "websitex5 installation path cannot be found" where do i find it ?
Is there any update on this?
How do I send the iwl file to you?
Hi Josephine, please send it to '''' and add in the email object, my name + the post number (2059).
Thank you!
I have mailed that. Can you please keep me updated on how soon you think this issue may be resolved
I really hope fast Josephine. I have received your email, thank you!
Have you gor the framework 3.5 correctly installed on your computer?
I will check this in the morning (Friday morning) as the school is now closed.
I have the 3.5 .net framework installed. I checked the registry of my computer, as per the attached image
Hi Josephine,
please try to disinstall your framework and delete it completely from your computer then install it again. After this has been done, please download the program from here:
Add your licence key and register it. Please update me!
Thank you!
I completely removed the framework, and re-installed it. However, I am still having the same problem. It continually asks me to register and activate the application
Dear Josephine,
I wish to thank you once more for your patience and for your kindness. Could you please try to:
Please let me know what happens.
I have the same problem, please help me.
Dear Eze, please read this post if you have the same issue and follow the suggestions I have posted in it. If you do not solve the issue, please open a new post and add all your details in it so that I may follow you and help you solve it more quickly.
Thank you!